Utility of auscultatory screening for detecting rheumatic heart disease in high-risk children in Australia's Northern TerritorySensitivity and positive predictive value of cardiac auscultation compared with echocardiography is poor, regardless of the expertise of the auscultator.
Analysis of baseline hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity in late adolescence reveals gender specific sensitivity of the stress axisWe aimed to investigate basal HPA-activity in a normal population in late adolescence, the time of life believed to overlap with HPA-axis maturation...
Effects of adopting the new global lung function initiative 2012 reference equations on the interpretation of spirometryThe aim of this study was to document the likely interpretative effects of changing from commonly used current spirometry reference equations to the GLI2012...
Novel end points for clinical trials in young children with cystic fibrosisCystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease commences early in the disease progression and is the most common cause of mortality.
The Childhood Leukemia International ConsortiumThe Childhood Leukemia International Consortium (CLIC) was established in 2007 to promote investigations of rarer exposures, gene-environment interactions...
Effect of private insurance incentive policy reforms on trends in coronary revascularisation proceduresThere is currently a lack of evidence on the effect of the policy reforms on access to cardiovascular interventions in public and private hospitals in...
Online healthy lifestyle support in the perinatal period: What do women want and do they use it?This paper presents a project designed to provide online information to promote healthy lifestyles in the perinatal period.
Ultraviolet radiation suppresses obesity and symptoms of metabolic syndrome independently of vitamin DUVR or sunlight exposure may be an effective means of suppressing the development of obesity and MetS, through mechanisms that are independent of vitamin D
Neonatal outcomes after preterm birth by mothers' health insurance status at birth: a retrospective cohort studyPublicly insured women usually have a different demographic background to privately insured women, which is related to poor neonatal outcomes after birth.
Approaches to study the lifelong trajectories of children with neurodevelopmental conditionsWe argue that population-based studies are critical to overcome the selection bias seen in many clinical samples and to identify true variability within a...