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Early motor function of children with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review

Early motor impairments have been reported in children with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD), but it is not clear if early detection of motor impairments can identify children at risk for NDD or how early such impairments might be detected. Our aim was to characterize early motor function in children later diagnosed with NDD relative to typically developing children or normative data.

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The power of pooches: pre-schoolers benefit from having a family dog

The benefits of owning a dog start even earlier than previously thought show new research from The Kids Research Institute Australia.

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School readiness is more than just test results

A new study by researchers at The Kids Research Institute Australia has found there is a bigger picture to consider when determining whether a child is ready to start school.

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Support breastfeeding Mums for healthy babies and a healthy planet

As a child health researcher, I'm often asked by new Mums what's the best thing they can do for their babies? And my answer is always the same, breastfeed.

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Changing the focus of cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is not only the result of birth trauma and the lack of oxygen supply during delivery.

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Healthy lungs, healthy life

The lungs are one of the last organs in the body to develop as a baby grows. They're also one of the most important.


Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD): The importance of life-course and transgenerational approaches

With well-established evidence that early life conditions have a profound influence on lifespan and health-span, new interventional birth cohorts are examining ways to optimise health potential of individuals and communities. These are aimed at going beyond preventing disease, to the conditions that facilitate flourishing from an early age.


Trends in alcohol-related injury admissions in adolescents in Western Australia and England: Population-based cohort study

More needs to be done to address alcohol-related harm, and on-going monitoring is required to assess the effectiveness of strategies.


Parent-reported health-related quality of life of children with Down syndrome: A descriptive study

To describe health-related quality of life of Australian children and adolescents with Down syndrome and compare it with norm-referenced data.


Risk factors for low receptive vocabulary abilities in the preschool and early school years in the longitudinal study of Australian children

Receptive vocabulary development is a component of the human language system that emerges in the first year of life and is characterised by onward expansion...