DEFEND CF: Biomarkers to define the treatment end-point for pulmonary exacerbations in cystic fibrosisStephen Graham Stick Hall MB BChir PhD MRCP FRACP BAppSci PhD CRFS FANZSRS FThorSoc FERS Head, P4 Respiratory Health for Kids Honorary Research
Defining the cellular immune response to vaccines for enhanced protection from invasive pneumococcal diseasePeter Lea-Ann Ruth Richmond Kirkham Thornton MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP PhD PhD Head, Vaccine Trials Group Co-Head, Bacterial Respiratory Infectious Disease
Developing a ‘Food Atlas’ for Western Australia to map, measure and monitor food accessThis unique interdisciplinary project, funded by Healthway, aims to develop a Food Atlas tool for mapping, measuring, and monitoring food access across Western Australia.
Infection Transmission in Early Childhood Education and Care: a mixed methods study to inform future interventionsThe COVID-19 pandemic has exposed many uncertainties and incorrect assumptions about respiratory pathogen transmission.
Identifying factors contributing to shifts in children’s development on school entry in NSW over the past decadeThe aim of this project was to conduct a critical analysis of the AEDC data for NSW children to understand the factors contributing to the changes in child development outcomes over time.
AuStralian Collaboration to Enhance Neuro-Development
Social support helps protects against depressed mood in adolescenceThe goals of the current study were to identify different trajectories of sadness from Grade 6 to 9 in Australian school students, and to explore the role that social support from school, teachers, friends and families play in supporting students’ mental health.
Targeting the mucosal immune system in a pregnant mouse model to prevent experimental allergic airways disease in the offspringStudies in Europe show exposure of pregnant women to high levels of microbial products stimulate immune function maturation in their offspring
The cellular effects of estrogen on allergic asthmaThe study aims to identify the mechanism for this so that this knowledge can be used to better treat asthma and allergies in both males and females.
Effect of blood glucose levels on the amount of glucose needed to maintain stable blood glucose levels during and after moderate intensity exercise in young people with type 1 diabetesDetermining if hyperglycaemia prior to and during exercise affects the amount of carbohydrate required to maintain stable glucose levels during/after exercise