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Showing results for "autism"


Can linked emergency department data help assess the out-of-hospital burden of acute lower respiratory infections

There is a lack of data on the out-of-hospital burden of acute lower respiratory infections (ALRI) in developed countries.


Low vitamin D levels are associated with symptoms of depression in young adult males

Results from studies examining associations between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentrations and depressive symptoms are equivocal.


Morbidity in survivors of child and adolescent meningioma

Given the paucity of data concerning long-term outcome, the authors undertook a meta-analysis to analyze morbidity in survivors of this disease.


Crowding and other strong predictors of upper respiratory tract carriage of otitis media-related

We investigated predictors of nasopharyngeal carriage in Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children.

Early Neurodevelopment and Mental Health

The Early Neurodevelopment and Mental Health team is focused on preventing childhood mental illness and optimising children’s development and wellbeing in the first years of their life. We are interested in understanding and identifying the factors that contribute to difficulties in mental health and development, as well as developing cost-effective prevention and early intervention approaches for addressing developmental needs and promoting resilience.

Global Disease Modelling

The Global Disease Modelling group informs development and implementation of drugs, medical treatments and non-medical interventions to effectively tackle disease. They build mathematical models of diseases, designed to take into account the complex constellation of interactions between pathogens, humans, diseases, the environment and entire healthcare systems.

News & Events

Meet the Finalists: Illuminate PitchFest 2025

We are excited to introduce ten trailblazing researchers who will be taking to the stage this February to pitch their bold and innovative ideas to our philanthropic community.

News & Events

Global research for rare disorder

The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers set out on a worldwide search to find out all they could about Rett syndrome, establishing databases and creating awareness.


Evaluation of the Child and Family Assessment and Referral Network (CFARN)

Yasmin Sandra Mary Alanna Harman-Smith Van Diermen Brushe Sincovich BA, BHlthSc(Hons), PhD BPsych(Hons), PhD (Public Health) BPsych(Hons), PhD Head,


The Early Start Screen Smart Program

Supporting families to create healthy screen time habits