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Showing results for "autism"


Reduction in disparity for pneumonia hospitalisations between Australian indigenous and non-Indigenous children

In the 1990s pneumonia hospitalisation rates in Western Australia (WA) were 13 times higher in Indigenous children than in non-Indigenous children...


Morbidity due to acute lower respiratory infection in children with birth defects: A total population-based linked data study

Children with birth defects experience higher rates of hospitalisation for ALRIs before age 2 years than children with no birth defects.


Feasibility of conducting an early pregnancy diet and lifestyle e-health intervention: The Pregnancy Lifestyle Activity Nutrition (PLAN) project

A lifestyle intervention starting in the first-trimester pregnancy utilising e-health mode of delivery is feasible


Immunogenicity of pneumococcal vaccine schedules in high-risk infants in Papua New Guinea

Deborah Lea-Ann Peter Peter Ruth Lehmann Kirkham Jacoby Richmond Thornton AO, MBBS, MSc PhD BA (Hons) MSc MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP PhD Honorary Emeritus


Data resource profile: the ORIGINS project databank: a collaborative data resource for investigating the developmental origins of health and disease

The ORIGINS Project (“ORIGINS”) is a longitudinal, population-level birth cohort with data and biosample collections that aim to facilitate research to reduce non-communicable diseases and encourage ‘a healthy start to life’. ORIGINS has gathered millions of datapoints and over 400,000 biosamples over 15 timepoints, antenatally through to five years of age, from mothers, non-birthing partners and the child, across four health and wellness domains.


Cohort Profile: The ORIGINS pregnancy and birth cohort

Desiree Doctor Jackie Susan Lisa Zenobia Silva Davis Prescott Gibson Talati MBBS, FRACP, MPH, PhD BSc (Hons) MBBS BMedSci PhD FRACP BA (Hons), MPsych


Influenza vaccination in Western Australian children: an economic evaluation to inform future state and national programs

Christopher Hannah Peter Peter Blyth Moore Jacoby Richmond MBBS (Hons) DCH FRACP FRCPA PhD OAM BSc (Hons) GradDipClinEpi PhD BA (Hons) MSc MBBS MRCP(


Western Australian emergency department presentations related to child maltreatment and intentional injury

To determine the proportion of child maltreatment-related emergency department presentations in WA and describe the types of injuries associated with them.

Research Teams

A full listing of all the different Research Teams at The Kids. Each of these teams can also be found under their appropriate Research Focus Area.


Literacy and Numeracy Underachievement in Boys and Girls With ADHD

Children with ADHD are disadvantaged from an early age in key areas of learning, and this risk increased with reduction in gestational age at birth