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Immunoinflammatory responses to febrile lower respiratory infections in infants display uniquely complex/intense transcriptomic profiles

the association between infant LRTI and risk for persistent wheeze/asthma in this cohort is generally stronger for fLRTIs than for other infection categories


Childhood atopy and mental health: a prospective, longitudinal investigation

Findings are the first linking atopy (measured by both parent report and objective verification) with increased vulnerability to affective and anxiety problems


Population-based estimates of the effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination in Australia

Australia’s Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) is one of only a handful of national immunisation registers world-wide.


Hospitalisation for bronchiolitis in infants is more common after elective caesarean delivery

The authors previously reported an increased risk of hospitalisation for acute lower respiratory infection up to age 2 years in children delivered by...


Gene polymorphisms, breast-feeding, and development of food sensitization in early childhood

The effect of breast-feeding on the development of allergic disease is uncertain


Safety and Immunogenicity of Neonatal Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccination in Papua New Guinean Children: A Randomised Controlled Trial

We conducted an open randomized controlled trial in Papua New Guinea to compare safety, immunogenicity and priming for memory of 7-valent PCV (PCV7) given in...


Ontogeny of toll-like and NOD-like receptor-mediated innate immune responses in Papua New Guinean infants

Studies addressing the ontogeny of the innate immune system in early life have reported mainly on Toll-like receptor (TLR) responses in infants living in...


A genomics-based approach to assessment of vaccine safety and immunogenicity in children

This methodology has significant potential to identify covert interactions between inflammatory pathways triggered by vaccination, and as such may be a...


Febrile respiratory illnesses in infancy and atopy are risk factors for persistent asthma and wheeze

The aim of this study was to explore associations between severe respiratory infections and atopy in early childhood with persisting wheeze and asthma.


Boosting airway T-regulatory cells by gastrointestinal stimulation as a strategy for asthma control

The hallmark of atopic asthma is transient airways hyperresponsiveness (AHR) preceded by aeroallergen-induced Th-cell activation.