Causes and Clinical Features of Childhood Encephalitis: A Multicenter, Prospective Cohort StudyEpidemic viral infections predominated as causes of childhood encephalitis in Australia. The leading causes include vaccine-preventable diseases
Converting the maybes: Crucial for a successful COVID-19 vaccination strategyBroad community acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccination will be critical for effectively halting the spread of the virus. In this study, we focus on factors that differentiate those who are undecided from those who are either willing or unwilling to accept a prospective COVID-19 vaccine. An online survey in May 2020 assessed Australian adults' willingness to receive a COVID-19 vaccine (yes, maybe, no). A multinomial logistical regression of responses (N = 1,313) was used to identify correlates of vaccine willingness between the three groups.
Timeliness of signal detection for adverse events following influenza vaccination in young children: a simulation case studyActive vaccine safety surveillance leading to rapid detection of a safety signal would likely have resulted in earlier suspension of Fluvax from the vaccination programme
An audit of the reliability of influenza vaccination and medical information extracted from eHealth records in general practiceTo evaluate the reliability of information in GP electronic health records (EHRs) regarding the presence of specific medical conditions and recent influenza vaccination
Optimization is required when using linked hospital and laboratory data to investigate respiratory infectionsDespite a recommendation for microbiological testing, only 45% of children hospitalized for respiratory infections in our previous data linkage study linked...
Spatial analysis of hepatobiliary abnormalities in a population at high-risk of cholangiocarcinoma in ThailandCholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a serious health challenge with low survival prognosis. The liver fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini, plays a role in the aetiology of CCA, through hepatobiliary abnormalities: liver mass (LM), bile duct dilation, and periductal fibrosis (PDF). A population-based CCA screening program, the Cholangiocarcinoma Screening and Care Program, operates in Northeast Thailand. Hepatobiliary abnormalities were identified through ultrasonography.
Improving Influenza Vaccination in Children With Comorbidities: A Systematic ReviewChildren with medical comorbidities are at greater risk for severe influenza and poorer clinical outcomes. Despite recommendations and funding, influenza vaccine coverage remains inadequate in these children. We aimed to systematically review literature assessing interventions targeting influenza vaccine coverage in children with comorbidities and assess the impact on influenza vaccine coverage.
Exploring the dynamics of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) transmission in childrenWe develop a compartmental model for RSV infection, driven by a seasonal forcing function, and conduct parameter space and bifurcation analyses to document...
Antifungal use in children with acute leukaemia: state of current evidence and directions for future researchInvasive fungal disease (IFD) remains a common and serious complication in children treated for leukaemia. Antifungal prescription in children with leukaemia presents unique challenges, particularly due to variation in IFD risk between and within leukaemia treatment protocols, drug toxicities and interactions between antifungals and chemotherapeutic agents.
AGAR KidsBacteraemia is associated with significant morbidity and mortality in children and adults, more frequently affecting neonates, Indigenous children and children admitted to hospital.