The Kids' autism research takes place at CliniKids, a centre that integrates world-class research with a clinical service for children with developmental delay and/or autism and their families. Our team of researchers work in partnership with clinicians to give the community access to the world's best evidence-based therapies.
Our Child Physical Activity, Health and Development team focuses on improving children’s physical activity levels, health and development. We work to uncover the best environments, policies and programs to facilitate physically active lifestyles for lifelong health and wellbeing.
AuStralian Collaboration to Enhance Neuro-Development
We aim to ensure that high quality outcome measures are available to evaluate treatments and services for children with disability rigorously. We aim to translate our research into resources to support families, carers and clinicians.
CRE in Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing (CREAHW)CREAHW is a program of intervention research focused on achieving sustainable change for the Aboriginal community & improving the lives of Aboriginal people.
The Kids KimberleyThe aim of establishing a local presence is based upon an intention to be by invitation considered as part of the Kimberley group of organisations as well ...
Indigenous Capacity Building Grant (ICBG)This was a five year grant from the NHMRC to build research capacity in ten Aboriginal researchers
Staff Vincent Mancini – Senior Research Officer Yi-Huey Lim – Research Officer Juliet Brook – Research Assistant Karina Prentice – Research Assistant
Read all the latest Discovery Centre news and events.
News & Events
Discovery Centre is openingWe are delighted to announce that on Monday 6th July 2020 at 9am the Discovery Centre will reopen it’s doors to the public!