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Which reference equation should we use for interpreting spirometry values for First Nations Australians? A cross-sectional study

To evaluate the suitability of the Global Lung Function Initiative (GLI)-2012 other/mixed and GLI-2022 global reference equations for evaluating the respiratory capacity of First Nations Australians. 


A scoping review of trans and gender diverse children and adolescents’ experiences of physical activity, sport, and exercise participation

This study investigated the potential of using SARS-CoV-2 viral Increasing young people's physical activity, along with their motivation and confidence to be active, is widely advocated for supporting desirable health outcomes. Trans and gender diverse (henceforth; trans) young people experience significant physical activity-related barriers compared to cisgender (i.e., an individual for whom gender identity and sex presumed at birth are in alignment) peers.


Early treatment with fluvoxamine, bromhexine, cyproheptadine, and niclosamide to prevent clinical deterioration in patients with symptomatic COVID-19: a randomized clinical trial

Repurposed drugs with host-directed antiviral and immunomodulatory properties have shown promise in the treatment of COVID-19, but few trials have studied combinations of these agents. The aim of this trial was to assess the effectiveness of affordable, widely available, repurposed drugs used in combination for treatment of COVID-19, which may be particularly relevant to low-resource countries. 


Developmental origins of psycho-cardiometabolic multimorbidity in adolescence and their underlying pathways through methylation markers: a two-cohort study

Understanding the biological mechanisms behind multimorbidity patterns in adolescence is important as they may act as intermediary risk factor for long-term health. We aimed to explore relationship between prenatal exposures and adolescent's psycho-cardiometabolic intermediary traits mediated through epigenetic biomarkers, using structural equation modeling (SEM). 


Could late-latent syphilis be treated with a single subcutaneous infusion of long-acting penicillin?

Syphilis is an important global health threat and little has changed in its treatment since the mid-20th century. For late-latent or syphilis infection of unknown duration, the standard treatment of multiple intramuscular injections of benzathine penicillin G (BPG) are associated with significant pain and distress to clients and caregivers, negatively impacting on treatment completion.


The collaboration on social science and immunisation (COSSI): Global lessons from a successful Australian research and practice network

Samantha Carlson BSc MPH PhD Senior Research Officer Senior Research Officer @samicarlson ORCID Dr Carlson is an


A rapid review to inform the policy and practice for the implementation of chronic disease prevention and management programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in primary care

More than 35% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults live with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease. There is a pressing need for chronic disease prevention and management among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia. Therefore, this review aimed to synthesise a decade of contemporary evidence to understand the barriers and enablers of chronic disease prevention and management for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People with a view to developing policy and practice recommendations. 


High-dose chemotherapy for Ewing sarcoma and Rhabdomyosarcoma: A systematic review by the Australia and New Zealand sarcoma association clinical practice guidelines working party

Patients with high-risk or metastatic Ewing sarcoma (ES) and rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) have a guarded prognosis. High-dose chemotherapy (HDT) with autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT) has been evaluated as a treatment option to improve outcomes. However, survival benefits remain unclear, and treatment is associated with severe toxicities.


Net benefit of smaller human populations to environmental integrity and individual health and wellbeing

The global human population is still growing such that our collective enterprise is driving environmental catastrophe. Despite a decline in average population growth rate, we are still experiencing the highest annual increase of global human population size in the history of our species-averaging an additional 84 million people per year since 1990.


SMS-based interventions for improving child and adolescent vaccine coverage and timeliness: a systematic review

The aim of this review was to investigate the impact of short message service (SMS)-based interventions on childhood and adolescent vaccine coverage and timeliness.