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The Nguudu Barndimanmanha Project-Improving Social and Emotional Wellbeing in Aboriginal Youth Through Equine Assisted Learning

We observed improvements in self-regulation, self-awareness, and socialization skills, evident from the photography recording and the questionnaire data


“If you don't speak from the heart, the young mob aren't going to listen at all”: An invitation for youth mental health services to engage in new ways of working

Building Bridges demonstrates the centrality of trusting relationships for systemic change and the way in which meaningful engagement is at the core of both the process and the outcome


The reproduction of educational inequalities – do parenting and child behavioural problems matter?

Parenting styles and child behavioural problems may be potential pathways that underpin the influence of parental SES on children’s school achievement


Botulinum toxin and surgical intervention in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: who, when and why do we treat?

This audit aimed to increase understanding of the long-term outcomes of evidence-based medical and surgical interventions to improve gross motor function in children and adolescents with Cerebral Palsy.


A surveillance clinic for children and adolescents with, or at risk of, hereditary cancer predisposition syndromes

Hereditary cancer predisposition syndromes (HCPS) account for at least 10% of paediatric cancers.1 Li‐Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) is a dominant HCPS caused by mutations in the TP53 gene and is associated with an 80–90% lifetime risk of cancer, commencing in infancy.2 Children of affected individuals are at 50% risk of inheriting the family mutation.


A psychometric evaluation of the Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale for Australian Aboriginal youth

There is a paucity of quantitative measures of resilience specifically validated for young Aboriginal people in Australia. We undertook the first investigation of validity and reliability of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale in a sample of Australian Aboriginal people, with a focus on youth. We conducted a cross-sectional study of resilience among a sample of 122 Aboriginal youth (15–25 years old) in New South Wales and Western Australia, featuring self-completes of the 10-item CD-RISC in online (N = 22) and face-to-face (N = 100) settings.


Injuries in mothers hospitalised for domestic violence-related assault: A whole-population linked data study

To retrospectively assess a cohort of mothers for characteristics of injuries that they have suffered as a result of family and domestic violence (FDV) and which have required admission to a hospital during both the intrapartum and postpartum periods.


Spatial clustering of drug-resistant tuberculosis in Hunan province, China: an ecological study

This study aimed to investigate the spatial distribution of drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) in Hunan province, China. An ecological study was conducted using DR-TB data collected from the Tuberculosis Control Institute of Hunan Province between 2012 and 2018.


Space–time clustering characteristics of malaria in bhutan at the end stages of elimination

Malaria in Bhutan has fallen significantly over the last decade. As Bhutan attempts to eliminate malaria in 2022, this study aimed to characterize the space-time clustering of malaria from 2010 to 2019. Malaria data were obtained from the Bhutan Vector-Borne Disease Control Program data repository.