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Showing results for "mental health aboriginal"


Experience of providing cultural safety in mental health to Aboriginal patients: A grounded theory study

The concept of cultural safety is particularly relevant to mental health professionals as it aims to promote cultural integrity and social justice and equality.

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National survey reveals mental health burden on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQA+ youth

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Aboriginal researcher and psychiatrist named joint winner of national mental health prize

Pioneering Aboriginal psychiatrist, researcher and mental health champion Professor Helen Milroy has been named joint winner of the 2020 Australian Mental Health Prize.


Trends in mental health related contacts among mothers of Aboriginal children in Western Australia (1990-2013)

Many of the mental health issues that women develop earlier in life are chronic at the time of conception, during pregnancy and at birth

News & Events

Youth mental health researcher named joint Shell Aboriginal STEM Student of the Year

Youth mental health researcher named joint winner of the Shell Aboriginal STEM Student of the Year category at the 2022 Western Australian Premier’s Science Awards.


“Ngany Kamam, I Speak Truly”: First-Person Accounts of Aboriginal Youth Voices in Mental Health Service Reform

Aboriginal young people are experts in their own experience and are best placed to identify the solutions to their mental health and wellbeing needs. Given that Aboriginal young people experience high rates of mental health concerns and are less likely than non-Indigenous young people to access mental health services, co-design and evaluation of appropriate mental health care is a priority.


Building a Nyoongar work practice model for Aboriginal youth mental health: prioritising trust, culture and spirit, and new ways of working

Mainstream youth mental health services struggle to comprehend the connection between colonisation and service provision for Aboriginal young people. This is the consensus agreed by Aboriginal Elders from Perth, Western Australia and young Aboriginal leaders within their communities.


Caregiver-perceived racial discrimination is associated with diverse mental health outcomes in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged 7-12 years

Exposure to racial discrimination in Aboriginal children increased the risk for a spectrum of interrelated factors linked to negative mental health


Our journey, our story: a study protocol for the evaluation of a co-design framework to improve services for Aboriginal youth mental health and well-being

Mainstream Australian mental health services are failing Aboriginal young people. Despite investing resources, improvements in well-being have not materialised. Culturally and age appropriate ways of working are needed to improve service access and responsiveness. This Aboriginal-led study brings Aboriginal Elders, young people and youth mental health service staff together to build relationships to co-design service models and evaluation tools.


An investigation of parental mental health among the Aboriginal population in Western Australia, and its impact on children’s outcomes

Carrington Fiona Shepherd Stanley PhD FAA FASSA MSc MD FFPHM FAFPHM FRACP FRANZCOG HonDSc HonDUniv HonFRACGP HonMD HonFRCPCH HonLLB (honoris causa)