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Addressing hard‐to‐reach populations for achieving malaria elimination in the Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network countries

Member countries of the Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network are pursuing the regional goal of malaria elimination by 2030. The countries are in different phases of malaria elimination, but most have demonstrated success in shrinking the malaria map in the region. However, continued transmission in hard‐to‐reach populations, including border and forest malaria, remains an important challenge. In this article, we review strategies for improving intervention coverage in hard‐to‐reach populations. Currently available preventive measures, including long‐lasting insecticidal nets and long‐lasting insecticidal hammocks, and prompt diagnosis and treatment need to be expanded to hard‐to‐reach populations. This can be done through mobile malaria clinics, village volunteer malaria workers and screening posts. Malaria surveillance in the hard‐to‐reach areas can be enhanced through tools such as spatial decision support systems


COVID-19 and changes in the National Immunisation Program: a unique opportunity to optimise the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)

Christopher Blyth MBBS (Hons) DCH FRACP FRCPA PhD Centre Head, Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases; Co-Head, Infectious Diseases


Vaccine coverage in children born to migrant mothers in Australia: A population-based cohort study

Overall, infant immunisation coverage is currently >90% in Australia, but there are pockets of under-immunised children including children from migrant backgrounds.


Impact of a revised postoperative care plan on pain and recovery trajectory following pediatric tonsillectomy

A previous cohort of adenotonsillectomy patients at our institution demonstrated moderate-severe post-tonsillectomy pain scores lasting a median (range) duration of 6 (0-23) days and postdischarge nausea and vomiting affecting 8% of children on day 1 following surgery. In this subsequent cohort, we evaluate the impact of changes to our discharge medication and parental education on post-tonsillectomy pain and recovery profile.


The impact of surgical cancellations on children, families, and the health system in an Australian paediatric tertiary referral hospital

Reasons for elective surgery cancelations and their impact vary from one institution to another. Cancelations have emotional and financial implications for patients and their families. Our service has a particularly broad and geographically diverse patient population; hence, we sought to examine these impacts in our service.


Effect of Exercise Intensity on Exogenous Glucose Requirements to Maintain Stable Glycemia At High Insulin Levels in Type 1 Diabetes

Under basal insulin levels, there is an inverted U relationship between exercise intensity and exogenous glucose requirements to maintain stable blood glucose levels in type 1 diabetes (T1D), with no glucose required for intense exercise (80% V̇O2 peak), implying that high-intensity exercise is not conducive to hypoglycemia.


Increased nasal Streptococcus pneumoniae presence in Western environment associated with allergic conditions in Chinese immigrants

Chinese immigrants living in Australia experience increased allergic conditions: asthma, eczema, hay fever and wheeze. Recently we reported diminished innate cytokine responses in long-term immigrants, potentially increasing their pathogenic viral load and microbial carriage. We hypothesise that a Western environment changes the nasal microbiome profile, and this altered profile may be associated with the development of allergic conditions. In this cross-sectional study, we aimed to examine the loading of viral and microbial respiratory pathogens in the upper airway.


The Role of Subinhibitory Concentrations of Daptomycin and Tigecycline in Modulating Virulence in Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) infections are notoriously complicated by the ability of the organism to grow in biofilms and are difficult to eradicate with antimicrobial therapy.


Fatal Perinatal Mitochondrial Cardiac Failure Caused by Recurrent De Novo Duplications in the ATAD3 Locus

In about half of all patients with a suspected monogenic disease, genomic investigations fail to identify the diagnosis. A contributing factor is the difficulty with repetitive regions of the genome, such as those generated by segmental duplications. The ATAD3 locus is one such region, in which recessive deletions and dominant duplications have recently been reported to cause lethal perinatal mitochondrial diseases characterized by pontocerebellar hypoplasia or cardiomyopathy, respectively.


Hospital admissions for skin infections among Western Australian children and adolescents from 1996 to 2012

The objective of this study was to describe the occurrence of skin infection associated hospitalizations in children born in Western Australia (WA).