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Improving primary prevention of acute rheumatic fever in Australia: consensus primary care priorities identified through an eDelphi process

To establish the priorities of primary care providers to improve assessment and treatment of skin sores and sore throats among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at risk of acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD).


Modelling study of the ability to diagnose acute rheumatic fever at different levels of the Ugandan healthcare system

To determine the ability to accurately diagnose acute rheumatic fever given the resources available at three levels of the Ugandan healthcare system.


Primary prevention of rheumatic fever in the 21st century: evaluation of a national programme

Population-based primary prevention of ARF through sore throat management may be effective in well-resourced settings like New Zealand


The economic and health burdens of diseases caused by group A Streptococcus in New Zealand

In preparation for the future arrival of a group A Streptococcus (GAS) vaccine, this study estimated the economic and health burdens of GAS diseases in New Zealand. The annual incidence of GAS diseases was based on extrapolation of the average number of primary healthcare episodes managed each year in general practices (2014-2016) and on the average number of hospitalizations occurring each year (2005-2014). Disease incidence was multiplied by the average cost of diagnosing and managing an episode of disease at each level of care to estimate the annual economic burden.


Rheumatic heart disease: infectious disease origin, chronic care approach.

Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is a chronic cardiac condition with an infectious aetiology, causing high disease burden in low-income settings.


Adherence to secondary prophylaxis for rheumatic heart disease is underestimated by register data.

Adequate resources are needed for maintenance of data quality in acute rheumatic fever/ rheumatic heart disease registers to ensure provision of evidence-based care and accurate assessment of program impact.


Comparison of approaches to rheumatic fever surveillance across Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries.

Rheumatic fever (RF) prevention, control and surveillance are increasingly important priorities in New Zealand (NZ) and Australia.


Position statement of the World Heart Federation on the prevention and control of rheumatic heart disease

In the 21st century, rheumatic fever (RF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD) are neglected diseases of marginalized communities.


Screening for rheumatic heart disease: current approaches and controversies

In endemic areas, RHD has long been a target of screening programmes that, historically, have relied on cardiac auscultation.