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Diverse Anti-Tumor Immune Potential Driven by Individual IFNα Subtypes

Our data shows that the expression of distinct IFNα subtypes within the tumor microenvironment results in different anti-tumor activities


Recalling our day in the sun: comparing long-term recall of childhood sun exposure with prospectively collected parent-reported data

Group data from retrospective recall of sun-related behaviours may be of limited value in studying the relationship between sun exposure and health outcomes;


Effects of serotonin depletion and dopamine depletion on bimodal divided attention

The results indicate a possible dissociation between the effects of a diminished brain 5-HT and DA synthesis on the performance in a bimodal divided attention task


Oestrogen amplifies pre-existing atopy-associated Th2 bias in an experimental asthma model

The role of oestrogen in experimental atopic asthma, and guide future research on sex-related variations in atopic asthma susceptibility/intensity


Simultaneous Targeting of DNA Replication and Homologous Recombination in Glioblastoma with a Polyether Ionophore

Our findings highlight the potential of salinomycin to induce DNA lesions and inhibit homologous recombination to greatly enhance the effect of radiotherapy


The impact of new universal child influenza programs in Australia: Vaccine coverage, effectiveness and disease epidemiology in hospitalised children in 2018

A significant reduction in severe influenza was observed in Australian children, possibly contributed to by improved vaccine coverage and high vaccine effectiveness


A method for the generation of large numbers of dendritic cells from CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells from cord blood

Neonatal dendritic cells generated form CD34+ cord blood progenitors have a higher inflammatory potential when exposed to viral than bacterial related stimuli


Early life exposure to coal mine fire smoke emissions and altered lung function in young children

Infant exposure to coal mine fire emissions could be associated with long-term impairment of lung reactance


Low-dose UV radiation before running wheel access activates brown adipose tissue

When combined with physical activity, low-dose UVR may more effectively limit adiposity and modulate metabolic and immune pathways in iBAT