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Use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Trends to Facilitate Exercise in Children with Type 1 Diabetes

This study investigated the use of a carbohydrate intake algorithm based on continuous glucose monitoring trends during physical activity


Maternal body mass index, gestational weight gain, and the risk of overweight and obesity across childhood: An individual participant data meta-analysis

Higher maternal pre-pregnancy BMI and gestational weight gain were associated with an increased risk of childhood overweight/obesity


In Epigenomic Studies, Including Cell-Type Adjustments in Regression Models Can Introduce Multicollinearity, Resulting in Apparent Reversal of Direction of Association

Where cell types are highly correlated with other covariates in regression models, the statistical assumption of no multicollinearity may be violated


Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy Induces Epigenetic Changes Into Adolescence, Independent of Postnatal Smoke Exposure and Is Associated With Cardiometabolic Risk

This study demonstrates a critical timing of cigarette smoke exposure over the life course for establishing persistent changes in DNA methylation into adolescence


Use of linked administrative and laboratory data to confirm that serum 25(OH)D levels in pregnant women can be predicted from satellite estimates of ultraviolet radiation

Serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels of pregnant women have been linked to various health outcomes in their offspring. Satellite-derived ultraviolet radiation (UVR) data have been used as a proxy for 25(OH)D levels, as individual-level cohort studies are time-consuming, costly and only feasible for common outcomes.


The challenges of developing and optimising an assay to measure 25-hydroxyvitamin D in saliva

We have developed an LC-MS/MS assay that accurately measures saliva 25(OH)D3 levels, which correlated with serum levels


Effect of combining pre-exercise carbohydrate intake and repeated short sprints on the blood glucose response to exercise in young individuals with Type 1 diabetes

When carbohydrates are ingested prior to moderate-intensity exercise, adding repeated sprints is not significantly detrimental to glycaemic management


A Multisource Process Evaluation of a Community-Based Healthy Lifestyle Programme for Child and Adolescent Obesity †

Whānau Pakari is a healthy lifestyle assessment and intervention programme for children and adolescents with obesity in Taranaki (Aotearoa/New Zealand), which, in this region, replaced the nationally funded Green Prescription Active Families (GRxAF) programme. 


Participant and caregiver perspectives on health feedback from a healthy lifestyle check

The usual output following health consultations from paediatric services is a clinical letter to the referring professional or primary care provider, with a copy sent to the patient's caregiver. There is little research on how patients and caregivers perceive the letter content.


A very low carbohydrate diet for minimising blood glucose excursions during ultra-endurance open-water swimming in type 1 diabetes: a case report

Carbohydrate-restricted diets are used by people with type 1 diabetes (T1D) to help manage their condition. However, the impact of this strategy on blood glucose responses to exercise is unknown. This study describes the nutritional strategies of an athlete with T1D, who follows a very low carbohydrate diet to manage her condition during an ultra-endurance open-water swimming event.