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Gender and Immunity Study (GIM)

The Gender and IMmunity study (GIM) aims to evaluate how gender-affirming hormone therapy impacts the immune system in young trans individuals, and how this translates to short and long-term health outcomes.

News & Events

International expert to bring together WA leaders to improve outcomes for kids

Dr Jack Shonkoff, from Harvard University is visiting Perth this week as a guest of CoLab, Goodstart Early Learning and Child Australia.


An initial health economic evaluation of the potential benefits gained by reducing late effects in paediatric brain cancer survivors

Raelene Nick Endersby Gottardo BSc (Hons) PhD MBChB FRACP PhD Brainchild Fellow; Co-Head, Brain Tumour Research Co-Head, Brain Tumour Research


Effects of Ser47-Point Mutation on Conformation Structure and Allergenicity of the Allergen of Der p 2, a Major House Dust Mite Allergen

The mutant Der p 2 had altered structure and reduced ability to stimulate pro-inflammatory responses and to bind IgE


The extent and nature of supermarket own brand foods in Australia

This protocol is unique as it aims to investigate all aspects of retail food environments and address the contribution of supermarket own brands


A profile of social, separation and generalized anxiety disorders in an Australian nationally representative sample of children and adolescents

Social, separation and generalized anxiety disorders in young people are relatively common and impairing, with a high level of comorbidity


A microbiome case-control study of recurrent acute otitis media identified potentially protective bacterial genera

We characterised the nasopharyngeal microbiome of these children in comparison to children with rAOM to identify potentially protective bacteria.


Airway surface liquid pH is not acidic in children with cystic fibrosis

Modulation of ASL pH has been proposed as a therapy for CF. However, evidence that ASL pH is reduced in CF is limited and conflicting.