“That's not fair on my kid”: Carers' perspectives on sport participation and experiences for children in out-of-home careChildren in out-of-home care participate in less organised sport than children from other household structures, potentially reducing opportunities for improvements in social, developmental, and health outcomes. Despite this, little is known about barriers and facilitators of sport participation for children in care. We aimed to explore carers' perspectives on the influences on children in care's participation and experiences in organised sport.

Kids born with Down syndrome are at high risk of an array of health problems – including issues with sight, hearing, heart defects, bone complications, immune disorders and learning difficulties.
Research priorities for preterm lung health research across the lifespan: a community priority setting partnershipIt is essential to embed patient and public perspectives into every stage of the research journey, including setting the future research agenda. The substantial gaps in our understanding of prematurity-associated lung disease presented a timely opportunity to determine the community's research priorities.
The effect of comprehensive geriatric assessment on treatment decisions, supportive care received, and postoperative outcomes in older adults with cancer undergoing surgerySurgery is an essential part of cancer treatment, particularly for localised solid tumours. Geriatric assessments (GA) with tailored interventions or comprehensive GA (CGA) can identify frailty factors and needs of older adults with cancer, assisting treatment decisions and care strategies to reduce postoperative complications. This systematic review summarises the effects of GA/CGA compared to usual care for older adults with cancer intended for surgery: their impact on treatment decisions, supportive care interventions, postoperative complications, survival, and health-related quality of life.
Researchers’ self-reported adherence to ethical principles in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and medical research and views on improving conduct: a mixed methods studyTo examine researchers' reports of adherence to ethical principles in their most recent research project, including factors associated with higher self-reported adherence, and perceptions of how research conduct could be improved.
Estimating the impact of imported malaria on local transmission in a near elimination setting: a case study from BhutanBhutan has achieved a substantial reduction in both malaria morbidity and mortality over the last two decades and is aiming for malaria elimination certification in 2025. However, a significant percentage of malaria cases in Bhutan are imported (acquired in another country). The aim of the study was to understand how importation drives local malaria transmission in Bhutan.
Inclusion of genital, sexual, and gender diversity in human reproductive teaching: impact on student experience and recommendations for tertiary educatorsWestern societal norms have long been constrained by binary and exclusionary perspectives on matters such as infertility, contraception, sexual health, sexuality, and gender. These viewpoints have shaped research and knowledge frameworks for decades and led to an inaccurate and incomplete reproductive biology curriculum. To combat these deficiencies in reproductive systems-related education, our teaching team undertook a gradual transformation of unit content from 2018 to 2023, aiming to better reflect real diversity in human reproductive biology.
Catalysing change in health and medical research policy: an Australian case study of deliberative democracy to reform sex and gender policy recommendationsRevising public health policy based on new data does not happen automatically. This is acutely relevant to the now undeniable evidence that many diseases develop differently between the sexes and may also be affected by gender. Current health and medical practices across the globe generally fail to cater for sex and gender effects in common diseases.
IDH-mutant gliomas in children and adolescents - from biology to clinical trialsGliomas account for nearly 30% of all primary central nervous system (CNS) tumors in children and adolescents and young adults (AYA), contributing to significant morbidity and mortality. The updated molecular classification of gliomas defines molecularly diverse subtypes with a spectrum of tumors associated with age-distinct incidence.

A new rapid research funding model is translating into quick results.