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Participant and caregiver perspectives on health feedback from a healthy lifestyle check

The usual output following health consultations from paediatric services is a clinical letter to the referring professional or primary care provider, with a copy sent to the patient's caregiver. There is little research on how patients and caregivers perceive the letter content.


Clinical and demographic risk factors associated with mortality during early adulthood in a population-based cohort of childhood-onset Type 1 diabetes

This paper reports calculated standardized mortality ratios in patients with Type 1 diabetes, and assesses the association between poor management of...


Standardised mortality is increased three-fold in a population-based sample of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes

Fatalities in children and adolescents (1-17 yr) with T1DM were identified from the Western Australia Children's Diabetes Database between 1987-2011.


Anaphylaxis triggered by benzyl benzoate in a preparation of depot testosterone undecanoate

We report the first case of an anaphylactic reaction to Reandron 1000 (depot testosterone undecanoate with a castor oil and benzyl benzoate vehicle).


Neurocognitive Outcomes in Young Adults With Early-Onset Type 1 Diabetes

The aim of this study was to reexamine the neurocognitive function of a cohort of young adults with early-onset type 1 diabetes and compare their cognitive...


Lower cardiorespiratory fitness in children with Type 1 diabetes

The present study aimed to compare cardiorespiratory fitness levels in children with and without Type 1 diabetes.


Oral Insulin Trial

To see if giving insulin by mouth (in a capsule) will delay or prevent T1DM in people at increased risk of developing diabetes.


A Database of the Complications of Obesity in Children

The Obesity Database records the characteristics and medical complications of children with obesity who present to treatment at Princess Margaret Hospital


Perinatal risk factors for childhood Type 1 diabetes in Western Australia - a population-based study (1980-2002)

To investigate perinatal risk factors for childhood Type 1 diabetes in Western Australia, using a complete population-based cohort.


Predictive low glucose suspend study – Randomised Controlled trial

Testing a feature of the MiniMed 640G insulin pump, which when used together with a real-time continuous glucose sensor can suspend and resume insulin delivery