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The extent and nature of supermarket own brand foods in Australia

This protocol is unique as it aims to investigate all aspects of retail food environments and address the contribution of supermarket own brands

Papers and Publications

Publications, papers and findings coming out of ORIGINS and its sub-projects

News & Events

Safe use of mobile phones with T1D

The advancement of technology to assist the daily routine of diabetes is extremely helpful. However, it is important to create clear boundaries in the use of technology. Our social work team have some great tips to set up healthy routines.

30 years

In 2020, we celebrated our 30th birthday with those who matter most — the kids whose lives we’ve changed through the research we do.


Establishing nutritional protective and risk factors for allergy in early life

Valerie Verhasselt MD, PhD Head, Immunology and Breastfeeding 0402997617 Head, Immunology and Breastfeeding @


Exercise and Gender Services for Young People

Trans and gender diverse young people are at very high risk for poor mental health, self-harming, and suicide attempts.

Exercise in Pregnancy

Information from the Healthy Pregnancy & Me brochure for pregnant women on exercising safely and healthily during their pregnancy.

News & Events

Sun safe: balancing the risks and benefits

The D-Light program, set up in 2014, aims to shed light on the amount of sun exposure that will promote good health in children and adolescents.