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Novel method to select meaningful outcomes for evaluation in clinical trials

A standardised framework for selecting outcomes for evaluation in trials has been proposed by the Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials working group. However, this method does not specify how to ensure that the outcomes that are selected are causally related to the disease and the health intervention being studied. Causal network diagrams may help researchers identify outcomes that are both clinically meaningful and likely to be causally dependent on the intervention, and endpoints that are, in turn, causally dependent on those outcomes.


A blueprint for a multi-disease, multi-domain Bayesian adaptive platform trial incorporating adult and paediatric subgroups: the Staphylococcus aureus Network Adaptive Platform trial

The Staphylococcus aureus Network Adaptive Platform (SNAP) trial is a multifactorial Bayesian adaptive platform trial that aims to improve the way that S. aureus bloodstream infection, a globally common and severe infectious disease, is treated. In a world first, the SNAP trial will simultaneously investigate the effects of multiple intervention modalities within multiple groups of participants with different forms of S. aureus bloodstream infection.


Walking the walk to include pregnant participants in non-obstetric clinical trials: Insights from the SNAP Trial

Despite several calls for greater inclusion of pregnant people in non-obstetric clinical trials, their systematic exclusion remains common practice. Excluding pregnant individuals from clinical trials may result in unintended consequences such as inadequate treatment of medical conditions in pregnancy, inappropriate dosing of medications, and investigational therapies being used off-label outside of the context of a clinical trial, risking adverse events in the absence of demonstrated efficacy.


Consumer perspectives on simplified, layered consent for a low risk, but complex pragmatic trial

For decades, the research community has called for participant information sheets/consent forms (PICFs) to be improved. Recommendations include simplifying content, reducing length, presenting information in layers and using multimedia. However, there are relatively few studies that have evaluated health consumers' (patients/carers) perspectives on the type and organisation of information, and the level of detail to be included in a PICF to optimise an informed decision to enter a trial.


Timing and temporal trends of influenza and pertussis vaccinations during pregnancy in three Australian jurisdictions: The Links2HealthierBubs population-based linked cohort study, 2012–2017

Antenatal inactivated influenza and pertussis-containing vaccines offer protection against severe respiratory infections for pregnant women and infants <6 months of age. Both vaccines are recommended in pregnancy; however, little is known about temporal or jurisdictional trends and predictors of uptake.


Indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on malaria intervention coverage, morbidity, and mortality in Africa: a geospatial modelling analysis

Substantial progress has been made in reducing the burden of malaria in Africa since 2000, but those gains could be jeopardised if the COVID-19 pandemic affects the availability of key malaria control interventions. The aim of this study was to evaluate plausible effects on malaria incidence and mortality under different levels of disruption to malaria control.


Defining the molecular features of radiation-induced glioma: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Cranial radiation therapy is essential in treating many pediatric cancers, especially brain tumors; however, its use comes with the risk of developing second malignancies. Cranial radiation-induced gliomas (RIGs) are aggressive high-grade tumors with a dismal prognosis, for which no standard therapy exists. A definitive molecular signature for RIGs has not yet been established. We sought to address this gap by performing a systematic review and meta-analysis of the molecular features of cranial RIGs.


Raising strong, solid Koolunga: Values and beliefs about early child development among Perth's Aboriginal community

We detail the unique findings from an Aboriginal early child development research project with a specific focus on the Nyoongar/Aboriginal community of Perth


HLA-DR Class II expression on myeloid and lymphoid cells in relation to HLA-DRB1 as a genetic risk factor for visceral leishmaniasis

To understand how HLA-DR contributes to disease pathogenesis, we examined expression at the protein level in circulating myeloid and lymphoid cells of VL patients


Determinants for progression from asymptomatic infection to symptomatic visceral leishmaniasis: A cohort study

We confirmed the strong association between high DAT and/or rK39 titers and progression to disease among asymptomatic subjects