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Genome-Wide Association Study to Identify the Genetic Determinants of Otitis Media Susceptibility in Childhood

We identified several novel candidate genes which warrant further analysis in cohorts matched more precisely for clinical phenotypes.

News & Events

Execution of Licence Agreement with The Kids Research Institute Australia and Erasmus University Medical Centre

Resonance Health Ltd is pleased to announce that it has entered into a licence agreement with The Kids Research Institute Australia and the Erasmus University Medical Centre.

News & Events

Worried about your child getting coronavirus? Here’s what you need to know

Comparatively few children have tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19). Here’s what we know so far about how children are affected.


Feasibility of home-based urine collection in children under 5 years in the ORIGINS birth cohort study: mixed method protocol and sample completion results

Urine is an attractive biospecimen for nutritional status and population health surveys. It is an excellent non-invasive alternative to blood for appropriate biomarkers in young children and is suitable for home-based collection, enabling representative collections across a population. However, the bulk of literature in this population is restricted to collection in primary care settings.


Co-designing a trauma-informed program for parents whose infant has had a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) admission

Having a newborn child admitted into a NICU can be highly traumatic for parents. The compounding effects of the NICU clinical environment, having a seriously ill child, in addition to the inability to care or adequately bond with your child can be extremely distressing.


Perinatal risk factors associated with skin infection hospitalisation in Western Australian Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal children

We have quantified the relative influence of perinatal risk factors associated with skin infection hospitalisations in WA children


Evaluating the genetic contribution to rheumatic heart disease pathogenesis in Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

Jenefer Jonathan Blackwell Carapetis AM BSc with First Class Honours, PhD, DSc, FMedSci, FAA AM MBBS FRACP FAFPHM PhD FAHMS Honorary Emeritus Fellow


Zika Virus Changes Methylation of Genes Involved in Immune Response and Neural Development in Brazilian Babies Born With Congenital Microcephaly

The recent increase in babies born with brain and eye malformations in Brazil is associated with Zika virus (ZIKV) infection in utero. ZIKV alters host DNA methylation in vitro. Using genome-wide DNA methylation profiling we compared 18 babies born with congenital ZIKV microcephaly with 20 controls. We found ZIKV-associated alteration of host methylation patterns, notably at RABGAP1L which is important in brain development, at viral host immunity genes MX1 and ISG15, and in an epigenetic module containing the causal microcephaly gene MCPH1. Our data support the hypothesis that clinical signs of congenital ZIKV are associated with changes in DNA methylation.


Hospital admissions in children with developmental disabilities from ethnic minority backgrounds

Children with CP and intellectual disability, particularly from minority backgrounds, were at higher risk of being admitted to hospital after the first year of life


Common and Rare Genetic Variants That Could Contribute to Severe Otitis Media in an Australian Aboriginal Population

Our goal was to identify genetic risk factors for severe otitis media (OM) in Aboriginal Australians.