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World-first maps reveal how long it takes to reach healthcare from anywhere in the globe

New research which maps the entire global population’s travel time to their nearest healthcare facility has revealed major inequalities in access to healthcare depending on whether people have access to motorised transport or not.

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WA data crucial to key stillbirth finding

A 1970s initiative which saw midwives begin collecting key data about all births in Western Australia has been crucial to new findings about stillbirth.

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Embracing the mental health of our children and young people

Embrace – a new research collaboration based at The Kids – will bring a new focus to understanding and improving the mental health of children and young people.

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Bobbie brings baby’s brain to life

A lovable blue creature by the name of Bobbie has won the hearts and minds of Western Australians.

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$35 million to develop vaccine with potential to save half a million lives per year

A vaccine to prevent rheumatic heart disease (RHD) and other life-threatening conditions caused by the common Strep A bacteria is a step closer thanks to funding announced by Minister for Indigenous Health, Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP, in Perth today.

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Investment in kids provides ongoing rewards

Corporates and private investors are beginning to realise the benefits of investing in early years initiatives, according to international demographer and economist Professor David Bloom.

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Five-year Hedland FASD Project wraps up

A five-year, $5 million research program funded by BHP and aimed at reducing the prevalence and impact of FASD in the Pilbara officially wrapped in South Hedland last night.

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Researchers pay tribute to Lockie

The hearts of everyone at The Kids go out to the family and friends of Lachlan Hernaman, a long-term participant in lung health research who died suddenly on April 30.

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Churchill Fellow to explore how other countries get kids back to school

The Kids Research Institute Australia researcher Dr Kirsten Hancock will use a prestigious Churchill Fellowship to investigate how other countries handle school absenteeism.

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The Kids welcomes Australian Nobel Laureate for prestigious lecture

The Kids is delighted to have Australian Nobel Laureate and former Australian of the Year Professor Peter C Doherty AC deliver The Governor’s Lecture.