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Statistical analysis plan for the OPTIMUM study: optimising immunisation using mixed schedules, an adaptive randomised controlled trial of a mixed whole-cell/acellular pertussis vaccine schedule

The purpose of this double-blind, randomised, controlled trial is to compare allergic outcomes in children following vaccination with acellular pertussis (aP) antigen (standard of care in Australia) given at 2 months of age versus whole cell pertussis (wP) in the infant vaccine schedule.


Young people with prior health service contacts have increased risk of repeated alcohol-related harm hospitalisations

After a first alcohol-related hospitalisation in youth, subsequent hospitalisations may demonstrate an increased risk of further alcohol-related hospitalisations, but there is no existing data on this.


The Host-Pathogen Interactions and Epicellular Lifestyle of Neisseria meningitidis

Neisseria meningitidis is a gram-negative diplococcus and a transient commensal of the human nasopharynx. It shares and competes for this niche with a number of other Neisseria species including N. lactamica, N. cinerea and N. mucosa. Unlike these other members of the genus, N. meningitidis may become invasive, crossing the epithelium of the nasopharynx and entering the bloodstream, where it rapidly proliferates causing a syndrome known as Invasive Meningococcal Disease.


Costs of mass drug administration for scabies in Fiji

In 2019, the Murdoch Children's Research Institute in partnership with the Fiji Ministry of Health and Medical Services carried out an integrated mass drug administration (MDA) for the treatment of scabies and lymphatic filariasis in the Northern Division of Fiji. We conducted a retrospective micro-costing exercise focused on the cost of scabies control in order to inform budgeting and policy decision making in an endemic setting.


IRF7-Associated Immunophenotypes Have Dichotomous Responses to Virus/Allergen Coexposure and OM-85-Induced Reprogramming

High risk for virus-induced asthma exacerbations in children is associated with an IRF7lo immunophenotype, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. Here, we applied a Systems Biology approach to an animal model comprising rat strains manifesting high versus low susceptibility to experimental asthma, induced by virus/allergen coexposure, to elucidate the mechanism(s)-of-action of the high-risk asthma immunophenotype.


The perceived effects of cannabis products in the management of seizures in CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder

CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder (CDD) is a severe treatment-resistant form of early-onset epilepsy. Current treatment options are often ineffective and associated with adverse effects, forcing families to seek alternative therapies for their children including products derived from cannabis. Reportsof miraculous cures and a public preferencefor 'natural' therapies have resulted in considerable public interest, and so this study aimed to characterize the use of cannabis in these individuals, as well as compare caregiver perceptions of efficacy and safety to objective evidence of seizure control and number of antiepileptic drugs used.


Nasal airway epithelial repair after very preterm birth

Nasal epithelial cells from very preterm infants have a functional defect in their ability to repair beyond the first year of life, and failed repair may be associated with antenatal steroid exposure.


Coronavax: preparing community and government for COVID-19 vaccination: a research protocol for a mixed methods social research project

Ahead of the implementation of a COVID-19 vaccination programme, the interdisciplinary Coronavax research team developed a multicomponent mixed methods project to support successful roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine in Western Australia. This project seeks to analyse community attitudes about COVID-19 vaccination, vaccine access and information needs. We also study how government incorporates research findings into the vaccination programme.


Bacterial and Fungal Gut Community Dynamics Over the First 5 Years of Life in Predominantly Rural Communities in Ghana

Bacterial and fungal microbiotas are increasingly recognized as important in health and disease starting early in life. However, microbiota composition has not yet been investigated in most rural, low-resource settings, and in such settings, bacterial and fungal microbiotas have not been compared.


Rare cause of scalp swelling in an infant

Christopher Blyth MBBS (Hons) DCH FRACP FRCPA PhD Centre Head, Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases; Co-Head, Infectious Diseases