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Educational inequality across three generations in Australia

Using a dataset of Australian children, we have the opportunity to not only investigate the transfer of educational resources across 3 generations in Australia.


Association Between Family Characteristics and the Effect of Timing of Regular Egg Introduction in Infant Egg Allergy

A recent systematic review of 5 randomized clinical trials, found that early egg introduction was associated with reduced egg allergy.


Impacts of caring for a child with the CDKL5 disorder on parental wellbeing and family quality of life

Investigate impacts on maternal health and family quality of life in families with a child with the CDKL5 disorder


Transition to adulthood for young people with intellectual disability: the experiences of their families

A number of themes emerged from the qualitative data which included parents' views and concerns about the capacity of their young adult to adapt and change to life in adulthood


Barriers to diagnosis of a rare neurological disorder in China-Lived experiences of Rett syndrome families

Fourteen of 74 Chinese families known to the International Rett Syndrome Phenotype Database participated in this qualitative study.


A wellbeing program to promote mental health in paediatric burn patients: Study protocol

One of the most traumatic injuries a child can experience is a severe burn. Despite improvements in medical treatments which have led to better physical outcomes and reduced mortality rates for paediatric burns patients, the psychological impact associated with experiencing such a traumatic injury has mostly been overlooked. This is concerning given the high incidence of psychopathology amongst paediatric burn survivors. 

News & Events

The Three C’s that can help keep your kids safe online

The Kids Research Institute Australia cyber safety expert Professor Donna Cross says parents should use the ‘three C’s’ to help keep their children safe online.


Perinatal risk factors associated with skin infection hospitalisation in Western Australian Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal children

We have quantified the relative influence of perinatal risk factors associated with skin infection hospitalisations in WA children


Evaluating the genetic contribution to rheumatic heart disease pathogenesis in Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

Jenefer Jonathan Blackwell Carapetis AM BSc with First Class Honours, PhD, DSc, FMedSci, FAA AM MBBS FRACP FAFPHM PhD FAHMS Honorary Emeritus Fellow

News & Events

Five tips to help autistic kids communicate

Speech Pathologist and Research Development Manager Sarah Pillar shares her strategies for supporting autistic children to communicate.