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Protection against severe infant lower respiratory tract infections by immune training: Mechanistic studies

Results from recent clinical studies suggest potential efficacy of immune training (IT)-based approaches for protection against severe lower respiratory tract infections in infants, but underlying mechanisms are unclear.


Overlapping Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis household transmission and mobile genetic element exchange

Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis and Streptococcus pyogenes share skin and throat niches with extensive genomic homology and horizontal gene transfer possibly underlying shared disease phenotypes.


‘It’s been a lifelong thing for me’: parents’ experiences of facilitating a healthy lifestyle for their children with severe obesity

For parents and guardians, assisting children/adolescents with severe obesity to lose weight is often a key objective but a complex and difficult challenge. Our aim in this study was to explore parents' (and guardians') perspectives on the challenges they have faced in assisting their children/adolescents with severe obesity to lead a healthy lifestyle.


Genetics of Otitis Media

To determine the genes that play a role in childhood susceptibility to severe OM we established the Western Australian Family Study of OM.


Understanding leishmaniasis through HLA

Visceral leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease found in resource poor regions of tropical countries and is life-threatening in susceptible individuals.


Clinical experience with SUBA-itraconazole at a tertiary paediatric hospital

Itraconazole remains a first-line antifungal agent for certain fungal infections in children, including allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) and sporotrichosis, but poor attainment of therapeutic drug levels is frequently observed with available oral formulations. A formulation of 'SUper BioAvailability itraconazole' (SUBA-itraconazole; Lozanoc®) has been developed, with adult studies demonstrating rapid and reliable attainment of therapeutic levels, yet paediatric data are lacking.


Assessing the burden of laboratory-confirmed respiratory syncytial virus infection in a population cohort of Australian children through record linkage

Respiratory syncytial virus is pervasive across multiple severity levels and diagnoses. Vaccines targeting children <3 months must be prioritized


Panel 8: Vaccines and immunology

Review and highlight of the significant advances made towards vaccine development and understanding of the immunology of otitis media


A Population-Based Matched-Sibling Analysis Estimating the Associations Between First Interpregnancy Interval and Birth Outcomes

Interpregnancy intervals of <6 months were associated with increased odds of preterm birth in second-born infants


Clinical utility of the parent listening and understanding measure (PLUM) for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal children with otitis media living in urban areas

This study evaluated the clinical utility of the Parent Listening and Understanding Measure (PLUM) questionnaire as a potential screening tool for otitis media (OM) and associated hearing loss in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal children.