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Execution of Licence Agreement with The Kids Research Institute Australia and Erasmus University Medical Centre

Resonance Health Ltd is pleased to announce that it has entered into a licence agreement with The Kids Research Institute Australia and the Erasmus University Medical Centre.

News & Events

Worried about your child getting coronavirus? Here’s what you need to know

Comparatively few children have tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19). Here’s what we know so far about how children are affected.


Feasibility of home-based urine collection in children under 5 years in the ORIGINS birth cohort study: mixed method protocol and sample completion results

Urine is an attractive biospecimen for nutritional status and population health surveys. It is an excellent non-invasive alternative to blood for appropriate biomarkers in young children and is suitable for home-based collection, enabling representative collections across a population. However, the bulk of literature in this population is restricted to collection in primary care settings.


Co-designing a trauma-informed program for parents whose infant has had a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) admission

Having a newborn child admitted into a NICU can be highly traumatic for parents. The compounding effects of the NICU clinical environment, having a seriously ill child, in addition to the inability to care or adequately bond with your child can be extremely distressing.


‘It’s been a lifelong thing for me’: parents’ experiences of facilitating a healthy lifestyle for their children with severe obesity

For parents and guardians, assisting children/adolescents with severe obesity to lose weight is often a key objective but a complex and difficult challenge. Our aim in this study was to explore parents' (and guardians') perspectives on the challenges they have faced in assisting their children/adolescents with severe obesity to lead a healthy lifestyle.


The early Human Capability Index (eHCI)

The Early Human Capability Index is a holistic measure intended to capture early child development across diverse cultures and contexts.


Protection against severe infant lower respiratory tract infections by immune training: Mechanistic studies

Results from recent clinical studies suggest potential efficacy of immune training (IT)-based approaches for protection against severe lower respiratory tract infections in infants, but underlying mechanisms are unclear.


Genetics of Otitis Media

To determine the genes that play a role in childhood susceptibility to severe OM we established the Western Australian Family Study of OM.


Understanding leishmaniasis through HLA

Visceral leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease found in resource poor regions of tropical countries and is life-threatening in susceptible individuals.


Clinical utility of the parent listening and understanding measure (PLUM) for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal children with otitis media living in urban areas

This study evaluated the clinical utility of the Parent Listening and Understanding Measure (PLUM) questionnaire as a potential screening tool for otitis media (OM) and associated hearing loss in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal children.