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News & Events

New faces

There are two new faces at the front desk at the PMH Diabetes and Endocrinology clinic so don’t forget to introduce yourself and say hi next time you visit.

News & Events

Jake's diabetes journey

Jake's diabetes journey Age when diagnosed; two years-old, almost three.

News & Events

For all of our budding young actors…

We are looking to create exciting new online resources for our families to utilise, which will include how-to videos, as well as patient perspective interviews.

News & Events

Diabetes Australia app

Diabetes Australia have released an app to make living with or caring for someone with diabetes a little easier.

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Social support helps protects against depressed mood in adolescence

The goals of the current study were to identify different trajectories of sadness from Grade 6 to 9 in Australian school students, and to explore the role that social support from school, teachers, friends and families play in supporting students’ mental health.

First Nations Childhood Cancer Research

A first of its kind research program at The Kids Research Institute Australia aims to develop new strategies to better treat Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children with cancer.