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Using record linkage to examine testing patterns for respiratory viruses among children born in Western AustraliaUsing linked data, we describe changes in respiratory virus testing among children born in Western Australia in 1996-2012
Protective benefit of predominant breastfeeding against otitis media may be limited to early childhood: results from a prospective birth cohort studyOur findings are in line with a number of epidemiological studies which show a positive association between breastfeeding and OM in early childhood
Neonatal outcomes after preterm birth by mothers' health insurance status at birth: a retrospective cohort studyPublicly insured women usually have a different demographic background to privately insured women, which is related to poor neonatal outcomes after birth.
Effectiveness of clindamycin and intravenous immunoglobulin, and risk of disease in contacts, in invasive group a streptococcal infectionsThis paper reports on treatment, and preventing infection in close contact, of invasive group A streptococcal (iGAS) using the antibiotic clindamycin and...
Examining ERBB2 as a candidate gene for susceptibility to leprosy (Hansen's disease) in BrazilThis study examines whether polymorphisms in the ERBB2 gene were associated with leprosy in primary and replication cohorts from northeastern Brazil.

Kids Rehab WA is an integrated team of clinicians and researchers who deliver and research therapies for children with acquired or congenital neurological impairments, leading to improved outcomes for children and their families.
Clinical outcomes and severity of laboratory-confirmed RSV compared with influenza, parainfluenza and human metapneumovirus in Australian children attending secondary careAcute lower respiratory infections (ALRIs) are a major contributor to the global infectious disease burden and a common cause of hospitalisation for children under 2 years. We compared clinical severity in children hospitalised with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), parainfluenza virus (PIV), human metapneumovirus (hMPV) and influenza virus (IFV).
Pragmatic Adaptive Trial for Respiratory Infection in Children (PATRIC) Clinical Registry protocolAcute respiratory infections (ARI) are the most common cause of paediatric hospitalisation. There is an urgent need to address ongoing critical knowledge gaps in ARI management. The Pragmatic Adaptive Trial for Respiratory Infections in Children (PATRIC) Clinical Registry will evaluate current treatments and outcomes for ARI in a variety of paediatric patient groups.
Multigenerational Familial and Environmental Risk for Autism (MINERvA) NetworkEmma Helen Glasson Leonard BPsych BSc (Hons) PhD MBChB MPH Senior Research Fellow Principal Research Fellow +61 419 956 946 emma.glasson@
Breakfast skipping among children and adolescents in South AustraliaEating a regular, healthy breakfast is required to support good health, wellbeing and development throughout childhood and adolescence.