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Perinatal testosterone exposure and autistic-like traits in the general population: a longitudinal pregnancy-cohort study

Increased prenatal testosterone exposure has been hypothesized as a mechanism underlying autism spectrum disorders (ASD).


The phenotype associated with a large deletion on MECP2

Multiplex ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) has become available for the detection of a large deletion on the MECP2 gene.


House dust allergy and immunotherapy

HDM allergy is associated with asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis.


Increase in caesarean deliveries after the australian private health insurance incentive policy reforms

The Australian Private Health Insurance Incentive (PHII) policy reforms implemented in 1997-2000 increased PHI membership in Australia by 50%.


Reduced rhinovirus-specific antibodies are associated with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive

Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) are often linked to respiratory infections.


The occurrence of ultrafine particles in the specific environment of children

Interest in ultrafine particles (UFP) has been increasing due to their specific physico-chemical characteristics. Ultrafine particles are those with an...


Virus infection and allergy in the development of asthma: What is the connection?

Information is accumulating which implicates airway inflammation resulting from respiratory viral infections, acting against a background of atopy.


Children with otitis media mount a pneumococcal serotype specific serum IgG and IgA response comparable to healthy controls after pneumococcal conjugate vaccination

We investigated the suggestion that otitis-prone children have an impaired antibody response in the context of pneumococcal vaccination.


Do different glucose levels at calibration influence accuracy of continuous glucose monitoring readings in vitro?

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the accuracy of CGMs also improves if multiple calibrations are performed in vitro.


Maternal serum vitamin D levels during pregnancy and offspring neurocognitive development

The objective was to determine the association between maternal serum 25(OH)-vitamin D concentrations and behavioural, emotional and language outcomes...