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Comparing Parental Well-Being and Its Determinants Across Three Different Genetic Disorders Causing Intellectual Disability

This cross-sectional study examined parental well-being in caregivers of children with one of three genetic disorders associated with intellectual disability.


Building the repertoire of measures of walking in Rett syndrome

This study aimed to determine measurement properties of a modified 2MWT and a modified Rett syndrome-specific FMS-RS in Rett syndrome.


Maternal alcohol use disorder and subsequent child protection contact: A record-linkage population cohort study

We examined the relationship between a maternal alcohol-use diagnosis, and the timing of diagnosis, and child protection outcomes in a Western Australian population cohort.


Potential impact of a maternal vaccine for RSV: A mathematical modelling study

Respiratory syncytial virus is a major cause of respiratory morbidity and one of the main causes of hospitalisation in young children.


Replication and Excretion of the Live Attenuated Tetravalent Dengue Vaccine CYD-TDV in a Flavivirus-Naive Adult Population: Assessment of Vaccine Viremia and Virus Shedding

We assessed replication and excretion of the live attenuated CYD-TDV into biological fluids following vaccination in dengue-naive adults in Australia.


Early vaccination protects against childhood leukemia: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Growing evidence supports a role for infection in the etiology of ALL and the involvement of immune systems suggests that vaccination may also play a role.


Estimation of quantitative levels of diesel exhaust exposure and the health impact in the contemporary Australian mining industry

To estimate the levels of exposure to diesel exhaust expressed by EC in the mining industry and to describe the risk of lung cancer that may result from it.

Early Childhood Social & Emotional Wellbeing studies recruiting

Current projects STEPs View the recruitment flyer - professionals View the recruitment flyer - parents Register your interest (parents, caregivers,


Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common chronic, life-shortening genetic condition affecting young Australians. There is no cure but researchers are working to prevent the onset of lung disease.