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Showing results for "mental health aboriginal"


The effectiveness of a Consumer Centred Tobacco Management (CCTM) approach in enabling mental health consumers to reduce or quit smoking

The aim of this pilot study is to test if the CCTM approach is more effective than business as usual methods at supporting mental health consumers to reduce their tobacco dependence or quit smoking altogether.


Pilbara FASD Project

Glenn Martyn Pearson Symons BA (Education) PhD Candidate B.A. (Hons) PhD. Director of First Nations Strategy and Leadership; Co-Head, Strep A


Crowding and other strong predictors of upper respiratory tract carriage of otitis media-related

We investigated predictors of nasopharyngeal carriage in Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children.


Crowding and other strong predictors of upper respiratory tract carriage of otitis media-related bacteria

Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis, and nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae is associated with otitis media


Racial discrimination and allostatic load among First Nations Australians: a nationally representative cross-sectional study

Increased allostatic load is linked with racial discrimination exposure, providing a mechanism for the biological embedding of racism as a psychosocial stressor. We undertook an examination of how racial discrimination interacts with socioecological, environmental, and health conditions to affect multisystem dysregulation in a First Nations population.


Moorditj Marp (Strong Skin) Evaluation and development of culturally relevant healthy skin storybooks

Co-designed and in collaboration with community members, the impacts of this project will directly benefit families by building awareness, empowering decision-making, and improving confidence around the recognition and management of skin conditions for Aboriginal children.


Evidence that infant and early childhood developmental impairments are associated with hallucinatory experiences: Results from a large, population-based cohort study

Cognitive and motor dysfunction are hallmark features of the psychosis continuum, and have been detected during late childhood and adolescence in youth who report psychotic experiences (PE). However, previous investigations have not explored infancy and early childhood development.


Nurturing families: One year pilot outcomes for a modified Parent Child Assistance Program in Australia

Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) exposure during pregnancy is linked to serious adverse child outcomes, including Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. The Parent-Child Assistance Program (PCAP) supports women with problematic AOD use, who are pregnant or have young children, and are not effectively engaging with services. PCAP has been shown to reduce alcohol exposed pregnancies, promote AOD abstinence, increase employment and family planning and improve child outcomes.


Prevalence of Racial Discrimination in a Cohort of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children

This study looked at the frequency of racism experiences over time in a population of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children


Infant removals: The need to address the over-representation of Aboriginal infants and community concerns of another ‘stolen generation’

The disparity between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal infant removals needs to be seen as a priority requiring urgent action to prevent further intergenerational trauma