Vagus nerve stimulation for the treatment of refractory epilepsy in the CDKL5 Deficiency DisorderOur study suggests that vagus nerve stimulation is a generally safe and effective adjunct treatment for CDKL5-associated epilepsy
What effect does regular exercise have on oxidative stress in people with Down syndrome? A systematic review with meta-analysesThere remains uncertainty about the effect of exercise on oxidative stress in people with Down syndrome
Women Diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer: Patient and Carer Experiences and PerspectivesBy directly engaging with women diagnosed with ovarian cancer, this study aimed to explore and identify their view of the health symptoms and outcomes that matter most to them as they traverse their disease pathway.
Content Validation of Clinician-Reported Items for a Severity Measure for CDKL5 Deficiency DisorderCDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD) results in early-onset seizures and severe developmental impairments. A CDD clinical severity assessment (CCSA) was previously developed with clinician and parent-report items to capture information on a range of domains.
The Rett Syndrome Gross Motor Scale–Dutch Version (RSGMS-NL) Can Reliably Assess Gross Motor Skills in Dutch Individuals with Rett SyndromeThe Rett Syndrome Gross Motor Scale (RSGMS) is an observational measurement, assessing gross motor skills in individuals with Rett syndrome. A Dutch version is lacking. The current study aims to translate and cross-culturally adapt the original RSMGS to Dutch and assess its inter-rater and intra-rater reliability.
A qualitative investigation of recovery after femoral fracture in Rett syndromeThis study used qualitative methods to investigate the regaining of mobility in 12 months following fractures in Rett syndrome and parent caregiver experiences.
Maternal Race-Ethnicity, Immigrant Status, Country of Birth, and the Odds of a Child With AutismIn this study, we used 134 204 mother population to examine the odds of ASD with intellectual disability in children from 1994 to 2005 with these features
Maltreatment risk among children with disabilitiesSupports are needed for families with children with disabilities to assist in meeting the child's health and developmental needs, but also to support the parents in managing the often more complex parenting environment.
The longitudinal relationship between BOLD signal variability changes and white matter maturation during early childhoodIntra-individual transient temporal fluctuations in brain signal, as measured by fMRI blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) variability, is increasingly considered an important signal rather than measurement noise.
Functional abilities in children and adults with the CDKL5 disorderAlthough abilities were markedly impaired for the majority with the CDKL5 disorder, some females and a few males had better functional abilities