News & Events
Perth trial begins on investigational Golden Staph vaccinePerth researchers are calling for volunteers to help test an investigational vaccine against Staphylococcus aureus (golden staph).
News & Events
Telethon Institute awarded two national Centres of Research ExcellenceTelethon Institute awarded two national Centres of Research Excellence
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Volunteers needed to trial new vaccine against dengue feverPerth researchers are about to trial a new vaccine that aims to protect against all four strains of the potentially devastating Dengue Fever.
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New study confirms link between alcohol and birth defectsNew study confirms link between alcohol and birth defects
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Western diet linked to teen's poor mental healthA new study from The Kids for Child Health Research has shown a link between Western-style diets and more mental health problems in teenagers.
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Ear infections linked to passive smokingA new report from Perth's The Kids for Child Health Research has found a strong link between childhood ear infections and exposure to tobacco smoke.
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COAG investment will help close the gapThe COAG commitment to invest in young Aboriginal children will produce immediate and real community benefits.
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Infections leave life-long scarsHigh rates of recurrent infection are a major risk to the health of Aboriginal children and are comparable to those of third world countries.
News & Events
Chance to prevent asthma missedTwo Australian scientists are spearheading an international campaign that's challenging the way asthma drugs are developed and tested.

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