A Database of the Complications of Obesity in ChildrenThe Obesity Database records the characteristics and medical complications of children with obesity who present to treatment at Princess Margaret Hospital
Oral Insulin TrialTo see if giving insulin by mouth (in a capsule) will delay or prevent T1DM in people at increased risk of developing diabetes.
Feasibility of 24-hour hybrid closed loop insulin delivery in free living conditionsThe aim of this study is to see if the Medtronic hybrid closed loop system, a portable artificial pancreas is feasibly to use in the home.
Predictive low glucose suspend study – Randomised Controlled trialTesting a feature of the MiniMed 640G insulin pump, which when used together with a real-time continuous glucose sensor can suspend and resume insulin delivery
How do high protein and/or high fat meals affect postprandial glycaemic control in children using intensive insulin therapy?Investigating the effect of fat and protein content of a standardised carbohydrate meal on the post-prandial glycaemic response in children with type 1 diabetes
Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes DNA bankA register which stores demographic and clinical data on all patients attending the diabetes clinic at Princess Margaret Hospital
Sprint proof of concept studyThis study will evaluate the effect of two types of aerobic exercise
The effect of oral insulin on subcutaneous insulin requirements and glycaemia in T1DMLiz Tim Davis Jones MBBS FRACP PhD MBBS DCH FRACP MD Theme Head, Chronic & Severe Diseases; Clinical Lead, Diabetes and Obesity Research Co-head,
Use of Hybrid Closed Loop therapy in hypoglycaemia awarenessThis study will tell us if the use of a hybrid closed loop system can improve awareness of hypoglycaemia.
Longitudinal Type 1 and 2 Diabetes Plasma and Serum RepositoryThe Serum & Plasma bank was established to provide a store of samples from subjects with diabetes as well as their families.