
News & Events
Data reveals important clues about child abuse and neglectResearchers working on the Developmental Pathways Project are determined to find out what makes families vulnerable to child abuse and neglect.

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International expert to bring together WA leaders to improve outcomes for kidsDr Jack Shonkoff, from Harvard University is visiting Perth this week as a guest of CoLab, Goodstart Early Learning and Child Australia.

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Playgroup Week celebrates importance of early childhood interventionNational Playgroup Week, the annual event run by Playgroup Australia, will take place across the country from 20 March to 27 March.

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Starting & staying on track10 years of work guided by The Kids Research Institute Australia has resulted in huge improvements in the development of Aboriginal children at the start of school.

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New research partnership to ensure no child gets left behindResearchers will track the progress of 12,000 children from birth to age five to identify what services are valuable to families to support the health and wellb
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Australian kids doing better in key development indicatorsAustralian 5 year olds are developing better than they were three years ago and have improved in most development indicators, according to the latest AEDI data.
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Telethon Institute researcher in nation's top tenHead of nutrition research at Perth's The Kids for Child Health Research named in the nation's top 10 health and medical researchers for 2010.
News & Events
Prevention report shows clear path forwardThe health of Australia's children depends on a firm national commitment to implement the comprehensive strategy outlined by the Preventative Health Taskforce.
What happens at two? Immunisation stakeholders’ perspectives on factors influencing sub-optimal childhood vaccine uptake for toddlers in regional and remote Western AustraliaIn Western Australia (WA), children aged 24 months living regionally or remotely (non-urban) have suboptimal vaccine uptake. As there has not yet been a systematic approach to understanding the facilitators and barriers to childhood vaccination in regional and remote WA, this study aimed to understand the views of key immunisation stakeholders regarding barriers and solutions.
Residential mobility amongst children and young people in Wales: A longitudinal study using linked administrative recordsChild poverty remains a major global concern and a child's experience of deprivation is heavily shaped by where they live and the stability of their local neighbourhood. This study examines frequencies and patterns of residential mobility in children and young people at a population level using novel geospatial techniques to assess how often their physical environment changes and to identify geographical variations in social mobility.