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Diagnostic evaluation for autism spectrum disorder: A survey of health professionals in Australia

Reported practice of some professionals in Australia may not be consistent with international best practice guidelines for ASD diagnosis


A genome-wide approach to children's aggressive behavior: The EAGLE consortium

Common variants at 2p12 show suggestive evidence for association with childhood aggression


Psychotic experiences and their significance

Clinical perspective from the ultra high risk (UHR) paradigm, that aims to identify people at high risk of psychotic disorder


A Prospective Ultrasound Study of Prenatal Growth in Infant Siblings of Children With Autism

Identified no significant differences between the high- and low-risk fetuses in the rate of prenatal head and body growth throughout the 2nd and 3rd-trimester


Are UHR patients who present with hallucinations alone at lower risk of transition to psychosis?

Hallucinations alone at baseline were not significantly associated with a reduced risk of transition to psychosis.


Autism spectrum disorder in children born preterm: Role of exposure to perinatal inflammation

This review aims to summarise and evaluate the potential mechanisms and evidence for the role of prenatal infection on the central nervous system, and how it...


A Genome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms in Population-Based Pediatric Cohorts

The SNP-based heritability for ADHD symptom scores indicates a polygenic architecture, and genes involved in neurite outgrowth are possibly involved


Late-talking and risk for behavioural and emotional problems during childhood and adolescence

Although many toddlers with expressive vocabulary delay ("late talkers") present with age-appropriate language skills by the time they are of school age...


The effects of breast-feeding duration on language ability to middle childhood

Modern societies are challenged by "wicked problems" - by definition, those that are difficult to define, multi-casual and hard to treat.


“He Sees his Autism as a Strength, Not a Deficit Now”: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study Investigating the Impact of Strengths-Based Programs on Autistic Adolescents

Recent studies have reported that strengths-based programs, leveraging autistic adolescents' abilities and interests, could improve their skills and facilitate social engagement. However, little is known about the long-term impact of strengths-based approaches. This study aimed to explore the long-term outcomes of community strengths-based programs designed to support autistic adolescents in developing interests and skills in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) and the factors influencing their participation in these programs.