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Lentivirus-mediated gene transfer of interleukin 10 to the ovine and human cornea

Gene transfer to a donor cornea ex vivo can modulate corneal graft failure in experimental animal models. We compared a lentiviral vector (LV) carrying...


Low-dose UV radiation before running wheel access activates brown adipose tissue

When combined with physical activity, low-dose UVR may more effectively limit adiposity and modulate metabolic and immune pathways in iBAT


High Dose Vitamin D supplementation alters faecal microbiome and predisposes mice to more severe colitis

High dose vitamin D supplementation is associated with a shift to a more inflammatory faecal microbiome and increased susceptibility to colitis


What Influences Decision-Making for Cochlear Implantation in Adults? Exploring Barriers and Drivers From a Multistakeholder Perspective

To explore the factors influencing the uptake of cochlear implants in adults, determine the impact of each factor, and to conceptualize the journey to implantation from a multistakeholder perspective. Concept mapping was used to integrate input from multiple stakeholders, each with their own experience and expertise.


Ultraviolet radiation, Vitamin D and the development of obesity, metabolic syndrome and type-2 diabetes

Emerging findings suggest a protective role for ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and sun exposure in reducing the development of obesity and cardiometabolic dysfunction, but more epidemiological and clinical research is required that focuses on measuring the direct associations and effects of exposure to UVR in humans.


Mental health difficulties among trans and gender diverse young people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD): Findings from Trans Pathways

Recent research highlights an overlap of gender diversity and autism spectrum disorders (ASD); however, data on individuals who are trans and also on the autism spectrum are largely from clinical samples and may not be representative of individuals who are trans with ASD in the general population. In addition, there is scant literature on the mental health of these individuals and their experiences in accessing gender-affirming care.


Ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D and multiple sclerosis

Recent work highlights both vitamin D and non-vitamin D effects on cellular immunity that suggests that higher levels of sun exposure and/or vitamin D status...


The Comprehensive Autistic Trait Inventory (CATI): development and validation of a new measure of autistic traits in the general population

Traits and characteristics qualitatively similar to those seen in diagnosed autism spectrum disorder can be found to varying degrees in the general population. To measure these traits and facilitate their use in autism research, several questionnaires have been developed that provide broad measures of autistic traits [e.g. Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ), Broad Autism Phenotype Questionnaire (BAPQ)]. However, since their development, our understanding of autism has grown considerably, and it is arguable that existing measures do not provide an ideal representation of the trait dimensions currently associated with autism. Our aim was to create a new measure of autistic traits that reflects our current understanding of autism, the Comprehensive Autism Trait Inventory (CATI).


Reduced immune responses in chimeric mice engrafted with bone marrow cells from mice with airways inflammation.

During respiratory inflammation, it is generally assumed that dendritic cells differentiating from the bone marrow are immunogenic rather than immunoregulatory.


Vitamin D status and predictors of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in Western Australian adolescents

Using prospective data from the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study, we investigated vitamin D status and predictors of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin...


Reversible Control by Vitamin D of Granulocytes and Bacteria in the Lungs of Mice: An Ovalbumin-Induced Model of Allergic Airway Disease

Vitamin D may be essential for restricting the development and severity of allergic diseases and asthma, but a direct causal link between vitamin D...


Exposure to UV Wavelengths in Sunlight Suppresses Immunity. To What Extent is UV-induced Vitamin D3 the Mediator Responsible?

In experimental models, both vitamin D3-dependent and vitamin D3-independent pathways have been implicated in the mechanisms of UVR-induced systemic...


UVR-induced immunosupression

Despite considerable advances, the exact mechanism whereby UVR can lead to changes in immune responses is not entirely clear at present, and no...

News & Events

Researcher elected fellow of prestigious international autism research society

The Kids Research Institute Australia autism researcher Professor Andrew Whitehouse has been inducted as a Fellow to the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR),  making him just the fourth Australian to be bestowed the honour.