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Associations of early-life pet ownership with asthma and allergic sensitization: A meta-analysis of more than 77,000 children from the EU Child Cohort Network

Studies examining associations of early-life cat and dog ownership with childhood asthma have reported inconsistent results. Several factors could explain these inconsistencies, including type of pet, timing, and degree of exposure. Our aim was to study associations of early-life cat and dog ownership with asthma in school-aged children, including the role of type (cat vs dog), timing (never, prenatal, or early childhood), and degree of ownership (number of pets owned), and the role of allergic sensitization.


Additional Insulin Is Required in Both the Early and Late Postprandial Periods for Meals High in Protein and Fat: A Randomized Trial

The pattern and quantity of insulin required for high-protein high-fat (HPHF) meals is not well understood. This study aimed to determine the amount and delivery pattern of insulin required to maintain euglycemia for 5 hours after consuming a HPHF meal compared with a low-protein low-fat (LPLF) meal.


Antidiuretic hormone and the activation of glucose production during high intensity aerobic exercise

This study aimed to investigate the role that antidiuretic hormone (ADH) may play in the activation of glucose production during high intensity aerobic exercise.


DNA methylation patterns within whole blood of adolescents born from assisted reproductive technology are not different from adolescents born from natural conception

Study question: Do the epigenome-wide DNA methylation profiles of adolescents born from ART differ from the epigenome of naturally conceived counterparts? Summary answer: No significant differences in the DNA methylation profiles of adolescents born from ART [IVF or ICSI] were observed when compared to their naturally conceived, similar aged counterparts.


Exposomes and metabolic health through a physical activity lens: a narrative review

In this narrative review, we provide an overview of the role of physical activity as part of differing exposomes (our combined non-genetic exposures from conception onwards) and environmental influences on metabolic health. We discuss 'beneficial' exposomes (green/natural outdoor spaces, sun exposure, healthy diets and features of built environments) that could synergise with physical activity to prevent metabolic dysfunction, particularly that related to lifestyle diseases of obesity, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.


Variation in nutrition education practices in SWEET pediatric diabetes centers-an international comparison

Nutrition education is central to pediatric type 1 diabetes management. Dietary management guidelines for type 1 diabetes are evidence based, but implementation may be challenging and inconsistent. We describe variation in the practice of nutrition education across pediatric diabetes centers globally and explore associations with A1c and BMI.


Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of blood DNA methylation in newborns and children identifies numerous loci related to gestational age

We identified numerous CpGs differentially methylated in relation to gestational age at birth that appear to reflect fetal developmental processes across tissues


Use of remote monitoring with continuous glucose monitoring in young children with Type 1 diabetes: the parents’ perspective

Parents of primary school children reported that using remote monitoring and continuous glucose monitoring was a mostly beneficial experience


Hypoglycaemia, cardiovascular disease, and mortality in diabetes: epidemiology, pathogenesis, and management

Study findings have suggested that hypoglycaemia is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events and mortality


Features of the metabolic syndrome in late adolescence are associated with impaired testicular function at 20 years of age

Adolescents with features of metabolic disorder or insulin resistance show impaired testicular function and altered hormone levels