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Patterns of depressive symptoms and social relating behaviors differ over time from other behavioral domains for young people with Down syndrome

People with intellectual disabilities are at a higher risk for experiencing behavioral, emotional, and psychiatric problems in comparison with the general...


Onset of maternal psychiatric disorders after the birth of a child with intellectual disability: A retrospective cohort study

Mothers of a child with intellectual disability (ID) have more psychiatric disorders after the birth of their child than other mothers.


Risk and resilience factors impacting the mental health and wellbeing of siblings of individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions: A mixed methods systematic review

This pre-registered systematic review synthesised and evaluated the existing literature on self-reported mental health and wellbeing of siblings of individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions.


A Co-Designed Online Education Resource on Gastrostomy Feeding for Parents and Caregivers to Support Clinical Care

Children with complex needs and severe disability may undergo gastrostomy insertion to support feeding difficulties. Parent education programs are critical components of clinical care pathways but there is little information on parent-reported educational needs. This study describes the collaborative process that yielded a resource to assist parents considering gastrostomy tube placement for their children, and the evaluation of the resource. 


Surfacing undiagnosed disease: consideration, counting and coding

The diagnostic odyssey for people living with rare diseases (PLWRD) is often prolonged for myriad reasons including an initial failure to consider rare disease and challenges to systemically and systematically identifying and tracking undiagnosed diseases across the diagnostic journey.


Influences on the trajectory and subsequent outcomes in CDKL5 deficiency disorder

The study investigated the effect of seizure and medication burden at initial contact with the International CDKL5 Disorder Database on subsequent development and clinical severity and compared quality of life among those whose development progressed, remained stable, or regressed between baseline and follow-up.


Evaluation of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Hub Australia website

To evaluate use and utility of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Hub Australia website. 


Who suffered most? Parental stress and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany

This study examines gender and socioeconomic inequalities in parental psychological wellbeing (parenting stress and psychological distress) during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. Background: The dramatic shift of childcare and schooling responsibility from formal institutions to private households during the pandemic has put families under enormous stress and raised concerns about caregivers’ health and wellbeing.


The development, content and response process validation of a caregiver-reported severity measure for CDKL5 deficiency disorder

CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder (CDD) is a severe X-linked developmental and epileptic encephalopathy. Existing developmental outcome measures have floor effects and cannot capture incremental changes in symptoms. We modified the caregiver portion of a CDD clinical severity assessment (CCSA) and assessed content and response-process validity. 


Genotype and sleep independently predict mental health in Rett syndrome: An observational study

Rett syndrome is a genetically caused neurodevelopmental disorder associated with severe impairments and complex comorbidities. This study examined predictors of anxiety and depression in Rett syndrome, including genotype.