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RT Prepare: a radiation therapist-delivered intervention reduces psychological distress in women with breast cancer referred for radiotherapy

The RT Prepare intervention was effective in reducing breast cancer patients’ psychological distress and preparing patients for treatment


Epidemiology and risk factors for typhoid fever in Central Division, Fiji, 2014-2017: A case-control study

Poor sanitation facilities appear to be a major source of Salmonella Typhi in Fiji, with transmission by drinking contaminated surface water and consuming unwashed produce


Maternal Alcohol Use Disorder and Risk of Child Contact with the Justice System in Western Australia: A Population Cohort Record Linkage Study

Children who were exposed to a maternal alcohol use disorder had significantly increased odds of contact with the justice system.


Using record linkage to examine testing patterns for respiratory viruses among children born in Western Australia

Using linked data, we describe changes in respiratory virus testing among children born in Western Australia in 1996-2012


Increased CTLA-4+ T cells may contribute to impaired T helper type 1 immune responses in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Chronic inflammation may expand sub-populations of T cells expressing CTLA-4 in COPD patients and therefore impair T-cell function


Elizabeth Usher Memorial Lecture: Rethinking the clinical pathway for autism spectrum disorder and challenging the status quo

The aim of the paper is to outline the future of early identification and intervention of ASD and the research goals to be addressed to achieve this vision.


Premedication with salbutamol prior to surgery does not decrease the risk of perioperative respiratory adverse events in school-aged children

Premedication with salbutamol to children prior to their surgery did not reduce their risk of Perioperative respiratory adverse events


Relationship between out-of-home care placement history characteristics and educational achievement: A population level linked data study.

This study examined the influence of placement stability, reunification, type of care, time in care and age at entry to care on children's educational outcomes.


New Opportunities for Evidence in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Recent research, using objective 3-dimensional facial imaging, has found differences between the facial shape of individuals with FAS and the facial shape of individuals without FAS or with partial FAS


Cancer incidence in the Western Australian mining industry

Working underground emerged as a significant determinant of lung cancer risk in our contemporary mining cohort