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Epigenetic dysregulation of naive CD4+ T-cell activation genes in childhood food allergy

Our data indicate epigenetic dysregulation in the early stages of signal transduction through the T cell receptor complex, and likely reflects pathways modified by gene-environment interactions in food allergy


IgE and T-cell responses to house dust mite allergen components

Recent studies with synthetic peptides representing allergens and non-allergenic house dust mite proteins now offer new research avenues on HDM induced immune responses


Relevance of Aboriginal Peer-Led Parent Support: Strengthening the Child Environment in Remote Areas

This research highlights the critical emerging role of peer support workers in home visiting family support in a remote area of Australia


Vaccine hesitancy, refusal and access barriers: The need for clarity in terminology

We propose more precision in the term 'vaccine hesitancy' is needed particularly since much under-vaccination arises from factors related to access or pragmatics


Early respiratory viral infections in infants with cystic fibrosis

Early viral infections were associated with greater neutrophilic inflammation and bacterial pathogens


Whole genome and biomarker analysis of patients with recurrent glioblastoma on bevacizumab: A subset analysis of the CABARET trial.

Whole genome sequencing of poor and exceptional survivors identified a gain in Chromosome 19 that was exclusive to the exceptional survivors


Spatial patterns of tuberculosis and HIV coinfection in Ethiopia

Our study provides evidence for geographic clustering of tuberculosis/human immunodeficiency virus co-infection in Ethiopia


Personalised analytics for rare disease diagnostics

Here we focus on the problem of prioritising variants with respect to the observed disease phenotype


The challenges of developing and optimising an assay to measure 25-hydroxyvitamin D in saliva

We have developed an LC-MS/MS assay that accurately measures saliva 25(OH)D3 levels, which correlated with serum levels


Malt1 deficient mice develop osteoporosis independent of osteoclast-intrinsic effects of Malt1 deficiency

Malt1 deficient mice develop an osteoporotic phenotype with increased osteoclastogenesis in vivo, but suggest that this is caused by inflammation