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Showing results for "autism"


The CliniBank Study: A research project to improve future clinical supports for children experiencing developmental difficulties

Andrew Gemma Gail Videos Whitehouse Watch and listen to Andrew Upson Alvares PhD BSc MClinAud MBA PhD Angela Wright Bennett Professor of Autism


Community perspectives on the appropriateness and importance of support goals for young autistic children

Researchers do not know much about what autistic adults, parents and professionals think about support goals for young autistic children. People's views of support goals might also be influenced by their beliefs about early support more generally. This survey involved 87 autistic adults, 159 parents of autistic children and 80 clinical professionals living in New Zealand and Australia.


MACROD2 gene associated with autistic-like traits in a general population sample

The MACROD2 gene is a strong positional candidate risk factor for autistic-like traits in the general population


Maternal immune-related conditions during pregnancy may be a risk factor for neuropsychiatric problems in offspring throughout childhood and adolescence

Emerging research suggests that maternal immune activation (MIA) may be associated with an increased risk of adverse neurodevelopmental and mental health outcomes in offspring. Using data from the Raine Study, we investigated whether MIA during pregnancy was associated with increased behavioral and emotional problems in offspring longitudinally across development.


No relationship between autistic traits and salivary testosterone concentrations in men from the general population

The current data add to the increasing evidence for the lack of relationship between autistic traits and postnatal levels of testosterone in men


Sleep problems and anxiety from 2 to 8 years and the influence of autistic traits: a longitudinal study

Anxiety and sleep problems may be an early indicator of autism in young children and early autistic traits may also contribute to anxiety problems later in childhood


The increasing prevalence of reported diagnoses of childhood psychiatric disorders: a descriptive multinational comparison

The objective of this study is to compare the time trend of reported diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder, hyperkinetic disorder, Tourette's syndrome, and...


Maternal pre-pregnancy weight and autistic-like traits among offspring in the general population

This study provides further evidence that maternal pre-pregnancy obesity is associated with autism-like behaviors in offspring

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