Duration of amoxicillin-clavulanate for protracted bacterial bronchitis in children (DACS): a multi-centre, double blind, randomised controlled trialProtracted bacterial bronchitis (PBB) is a leading cause of chronic wet cough in children. The current standard treatment in European and American guidelines is 2 weeks of antibiotics, but the optimal duration of therapy is unknown. We describe the first randomised controlled trial to assess the duration of antibiotic treatment in children with chronic wet cough and suspected PBB.
Physical activity participation among children diagnosed with mental health disorders: A qualitative analysis of children’s and their guardian’s perspectivesChildren with mental health disorders have lower physical activity levels compared to their peers; however, minimal research has been conducted to date to understand their unique experiences of physical activity. We sought to better understand these experiences, along with contributing factors, through interviews with children with mental health disorders and their parents/guardians.
Achieving universal electrification of rural healthcare facilities in sub-Saharan Africa with decentralized renewable energy technologiesA potential response to the COVID-19 pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) with long-term benefits is to provide electricity for medical equipment in rural health centers and communities. This study identifies a large gap in the electrification of healthcare facilities in SSA, and it shows that decentralized photovoltaic systems can offer a clean, reliable, quick, and cost-effective solution.
Promoting Mental Health in New Zealand: Building Resilience in Teenage ChildrenThere has been concerns about the increasing incidence of youth depression and anxiety, with school teachers seeking out ways to better equip youth with skills to help them deal with daily life. A resilience training programme for youth was implemented in one region of New Zealand.
A Methylome and Transcriptome Analysis of Normal Human Scar Cells Reveals a Role for FOXF2 in Scar MaintenanceScars are maintained for life and increase in size during periods of growth such as puberty. Epigenetic changes in fibroblasts after injury may underpin the maintenance and growth of scars. In this study, we combined methylome and transcriptome data from normotrophic mature scar and contralateral uninjured normal skin fibroblasts to identify potential regulators of scar maintenance.
People with Cerebral Palsy and Their Family's Preferences about Genomics ResearchThe goal of this study was to understand individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) and their family's attitudes and preferences to genomic research, including international data sharing and biobanking.
Secondary Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Latent Rheumatic Heart DiseaseRheumatic heart disease affects more than 40.5 million people worldwide and results in 306,000 deaths annually. Echocardiographic screening detects rheumatic heart disease at an early, latent stage. Whether secondary antibiotic prophylaxis is effective in preventing progression of latent rheumatic heart disease is unknown.
CRISPR single base editing, neuronal disease modelling and functional genomics for genetic variant analysis: pipeline validation using Kleefstra syndrome EHMT1 haploinsufficiencyOver 400 million people worldwide are living with a rare disease. Next Generation Sequencing identifies potential disease causative genetic variants. However, many are identified as variants of uncertain significance and require functional laboratory validation to determine pathogenicity, and this creates major diagnostic delays.
Effectiveness of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine against hypoxic pneumonia and hospitalisation in Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea: An observational cohort studyPneumonia is a leading cause of childhood mortality with Streptococcus pneumoniae a major contributor. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) have been introduced into immunisation programs in many low- to middle-income countries yet there is a paucity of data evaluating the effectiveness in these settings. We assess the effectiveness of 13-valent PCV against hypoxic pneumonia, hospitalisation and other clinical endpoints in children <5 years living in Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea).
Patterns of recurrent preterm birth in Western Australia: A 36-year state-wide population-based studyIt is known that a previous preterm birth increases the risk of a subsequent preterm birth, but a limited number of studies have examined this beyond two consecutive pregnancies. This study aimed to assess the risk and patterns of (recurrent) preterm birth up to the fourth pregnancy.