Neutrophil Extracellular Traps and Bacterial Biofilms in Middle Ear Effusion of Children with Recurrent Acute Otitis MediaBacteria persist within biofilms on the middle ear mucosa of children with recurrent and chronic otitis media however the mechanisms by which these...
Children with otitis media mount a pneumococcal serotype specific serum IgG and IgA response comparable to healthy controls after pneumococcal conjugate vaccinationWe investigated the suggestion that otitis-prone children have an impaired antibody response in the context of pneumococcal vaccination.
News & Events
Funding boost music to the ears of WA childrenA $6 million commitment from Wesfarmers to Telethon will fund vital research to reduce the impact of chronic ear infections and other serious diseases.
Pathogens on the rise: is impaired immunity the cause of chronic ear and chest infections?Ruth Elke Peter Thornton Seppanen Richmond PhD BSc PhD MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP Co-head, Bacterial Respiratory Infectious Disease Group (BRIDG) Program
Identifying barriers and facilitators for the effective diagnosis and provision of primary health care for otitis media from the perspective of carers of Aboriginal childrenTo identify the barriers and facilitators for timely detection and optimal management of otitis media in Aboriginal children in a primary care setting from the perspective of carers of Aboriginal children.
Focus Area
Indigenous HealthThe Indigenous Health research theme integrates the needs of Indigenous families and children into all relevant areas of our work. Improving the health and well-being of Indigenous children and families is an overarching priority for every program and team at the Institute.
The Impact of Waiting Times on Behavioral Outcomes for Children with Otitis Media: Results from an Urban Ear, Nose, and Throat Telehealth ServiceChildren with otitis media (OM) experience long waiting times to access Australia's public hospitals due to limited capacity. The aim of this article is to utilize an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) telehealth service (the Ear Portal) to examine whether delayed access to specialist care is associated with poorer behavioral outcomes for children with OM.
High concentrations of middle ear antimicrobial peptides and proteins are associated with detection of middle ear pathogens in children with recurrent acute otitis mediaElevated antimicrobial proteins and peptides and cytokines in middle ear effusion are a marker of inflammation and bacterial persistence
Topical antibiotics for chronic suppurative otitis mediaWe are uncertain about the effectiveness of topical antibiotics in improving resolution of ear discharge in patients with chronic suppurative otitis media
Antibiotics versus topical antiseptics for chronic suppurative otitis mediaTo assess the effectiveness of antibiotics versus antiseptics for people with chronic suppurative otitis media.