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Further investment in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men's health research funding is urgently required

Alex Brown BMed, MPH, PhD, FRACP (hon.), FCSANZ, FAAHMS Professor of Indigenous Genomics +61421278314 Professor of Indigenous


RaScALL: Rapid (Ra) screening (Sc) of RNA-seq data for prognostically significant genomic alterations in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)

RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) efforts in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia have identified numerous prognostically significant genomic alterations which can guide diagnostic risk stratification and treatment choices when detected early.


Responsive service design and workforce strengthening: Recommendations to improve aged care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

This study aimed to develop innovative and practical strategies and recommendations for aged care policy and practice that support the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


Future-proofing genomic data and consent management: a comprehensive review of technology innovations

Genomic information is increasingly used to inform medical treatments and manage future disease risks. However, any personal and societal gains must be carefully balanced against the risk to individuals contributing their genomic data. Expanding our understanding of actionable genomic insights requires researchers to access large global datasets to capture the complexity of genomic contribution to diseases.


Prevalence of dementia among Indigenous populations of countries with a very high Human Development Index: a systematic review

Dementia is a health priority for Indigenous peoples. Here, we reviewed studies on the prevalence of dementia or cognitive impairment among Indigenous populations from countries with a very high Human Development Index (≥0·8). Quality was assessed using the Joanna Briggs Institute risk-of-bias tool and CONSolIDated critERia for strengthening the reporting of health research involving Indigenous peoples (CONSIDER), with oversight provided by an Indigenous Advisory Board.


Vision loss and diabetic retinopathy prevalence and risk among a cohort of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians with type 2 diabetes receiving renal haemodialysis treatment

Diabetic nephropathy, vision loss and diabetic retinopathy are frequent comorbidities among individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D). The Retinopathy in People Currently On Renal Dialysis study sought to examine the epidemiology and risk of vision impairment and among a cohort of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians with T2D currently receiving haemodialysis for end-stage renal failure.  


Prevalence and burden of coronary artery disease on computed tomography coronary angiography and its correlation with high-density lipoprotein in the Northern Territory, Australia

Indigenous Australians are known to have a higher prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) than non-Indigenous counterparts. Atherogenic lipid profiles, characterised by low serum levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and higher serum triglycerides, have been shown to be more prevalent in Indigenous Australians. The use of computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA) for risk stratification and diagnosis of CAD has been validated in moderate risk populations, but limited data exists in specific high-risk populations such as Indigenous Australians.


An exploratory qualitative study of inter-agency health and social service partnerships focused on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients

The siloed nature of the health and social service system threatens access for clients engaging numerous organisations. Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people face adverse circumstances which contribute to multiple health and social needs. Effective relationships between health and social services are integral to coordinated service provision to meet the diverse needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients.


Association between maternal hyperglycemia in pregnancy and offspring anthropometry in early childhood: the pandora wave 1 study

In-utero hyperglycemia exposure influences later cardiometabolic risk, although few studies include women with pre-existing type 2 diabetes (T2D) or assess maternal body mass index (BMI) as a potential confounder.


Progesterone receptor mediates ovulatory transcription through RUNX transcription factor interactions and chromatin remodelling

Progesterone receptor (PGR) plays diverse roles in reproductive tissues and thus coordinates mammalian fertility. In the ovary, rapid acute induction of PGR is the key determinant of ovulation through transcriptional control of a unique set of genes that culminates in follicle rupture. However, the molecular mechanisms for this specialized PGR function in ovulation is poorly understood.