Epigenetic dysregulation of naive CD4+ T-cell activation genes in childhood food allergyOur data indicate epigenetic dysregulation in the early stages of signal transduction through the T cell receptor complex, and likely reflects pathways modified by gene-environment interactions in food allergy
IgE and T-cell responses to house dust mite allergen componentsRecent studies with synthetic peptides representing allergens and non-allergenic house dust mite proteins now offer new research avenues on HDM induced immune responses
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of vitamin D in food allergyEpidemiological evidence from the past decade suggests a role of vitamin D in food allergy pathogenesis
Large-Scale Structural Variation Detection in Subterranean Clover Subtypes Using Optical MappingThe accuracy of structural variations detection by Bionano optical mapping is highly dependent on the quality of reference genomes and the density of selected nickases
Rhinovirus is the most common virus and rhinovirus-C is the most common species in paediatric intensive care respiratory admissionsThis is the first report examining the role of different rhinovirus species in ARIs in children admitted to a tertiary PICU

Led by some of the top mental health researchers in Australia, Embrace brings together a network of researchers and partners to find new ways to help kids at the lowest times in their lives.
Nurses are underutilised in antimicrobial stewardship - Results of a multisite survey in paediatric and adult hospitalsNurses consider antimicrobial stewardship activities within their roles, but are underutilised in antimicrobial stewardship programs
Medulloblastoma Down Under 2013: a report from the third annual meeting of the International Medulloblastoma Working GroupMedulloblastoma is curable in approximately 70 % of patients. Over the past decade, progress in improving survival using conventional therapies has stalled...
Persistent and compartmentalised disruption of dendritic cell subpopulations in the lung following influenza A virus infectionImmunological homeostasis in the respiratory tract is thought to require balanced interactions between networks of dendritic cell (DC) subsets in lung...

News & Events
Embrace 2024 Research Award winners announcedEmbrace 2024 Research Award winners Associate Professor Yael Perry, Julia Bak, and Dr Helen Morgan (not pictured: Jacinta Freeman and Oliver Keane).
Dog walking is associated with more outdoor play and independent mobility for childrenIt is plausible that dog-facilitated activity rather than dog ownership per se encourages children's physical activity behaviors.
Pubertal trajectory in females with Rett syndrome: A population-based studyThe aim of this study was to describe pubertal development in a population-based cohort of females with Rett syndrome.

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Birth trauma investigation to end Embracing the Mind S2Dr Kelli MacMillan and Embracing the Mind host Dr Alix Woolard discussing childbirth trauma.

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Embrace research presented at SMHR conferenceAssociate Professor Bep Uink and Head of Kulunga Aboriginal Unit Cheryl Bridge watched on by Associate Professor Yael Perry at the SMHR conference.

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Free panel discussion on permacrisis in mental healthEmbrace @ The Kids Research Institute Australia, in partnership with Rio Tinto, is hosting a free public panel discussion on permacrisis and the mental health of young people at Perth State Library on Thursday 9 November, with a keynote address from Professor Helen Milroy AM.

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Research officer Lisa Kickett at Wiyi Yani U Thangani summitA mentally healthy future for all children About Embrace Embrace @ The Kids Research Institute Australia is Western Australia’s first research

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Embrace 2022 Research Award winners announcedThe six winners of the Embrace 2022 Research Awards have been announced.

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Community identifies priorities for new youth mental health researchEmbrace at The Kids Research Institute Australia has identified the top 10 unexplored infant, child and youth mental health research priorities in consultation with the Western Australian community.

Donate to Embrace Mental health is a major and complex issue impacting our children and young people, but it is still not fully understood. That’s

Resources collated from Embrace researchers to help with various mental health challenges for parents and carers.