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The hygiene hypothesis revisited: role of materno-fetal interactions

For 20 years, the hygiene hypothesis has dominated attempts to explain the increasing prevalence of allergic disease. A causal link between maternal innate immu


Value of serology in predicting Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in young children with cystic fibrosis

erology, predicting, Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, young children, cystic fibrosis


Unpacking the complex nature of the autism epidemic

The etiology of autism spectrum disorders is unknown but there are claims of increasing prevalence in many countries.


Tumor Antigen Cross-Presentation and the Dendritic Cell: Where it All Begins?

Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs) that are critical for the generation of effective cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses;


Contribution of an intrinsic lag of continuous glucose monitoring systems to differences in measured and actual glucose concentrations

Current continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems measure glucose levels in the interstitial fluid to estimate blood glucose concentration.


Health professionals addressing alcohol use with pregnant women in Western Australia

Health professionals have an important role to play in preventing prenatal alcohol exposure


Testing a new cognitive behavioural treatment for obesity

It is remarkably difficult for people with obesity to maintain a new lower weight following weight loss.


Evidence for associations between the purinergic receptor P2X(7) (P2RX7) and toxoplasmosis

Congenital Toxoplasma gondii infection can result in intracranial calcification, hydrocephalus and retinochoroiditis. Acquired infection is commonly associated


Crowding and other strong predictors of upper respiratory tract carriage of otitis media-related

We investigated predictors of nasopharyngeal carriage in Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children.

News & Events

Whooping cough vaccine could be a new weapon in the fight against food allergies

Researchers from The Kids Research Institute Australia and Curtin University will use a $3.9 million grant from the National Health and Medical Research Council to investigate whether a type of whooping cough vaccine could provide bonus protection against food allergies and eczema.