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Perth’s Aboriginal babies show first signs of ear disease at just eight weeks

The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers have found close to 40 per cent of Aboriginal babies begin to develop middle ear infections between two and four months of age in a first of its kind study in metropolitan Perth.


Dr Ruth Thornton

Co-head, Bacterial Respiratory Infectious Disease Group (BRIDG)

News & Events

The Kids Ear Health researcher named finalist in Australia’s top science prizes

Paediatric audiologist Associate Professor Chris Brennan-Jones has been announced as a finalist for the country’s leading national science awards – the Australian Museum Eureka Prizes.


Professor Christopher Blyth

Centre Head, Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases; Honorary and NHMRC Career Development Fellow, Paediatric Infectious Diseases Physician and Clinical Microbiologist

News & Events

Get cracking: Why eggs are a healthy choice for pregnant women

Not only are cooked eggs perfectly safe to eat during pregnancy, they are also a great way to boost nutrient intake for both mums and bubs.

WAACHS Regional Profiles

The WAACHS regional profiles look at all four volumes of results across the ATSIC regions of Western Australia.


The CIRCA DIEM Study is a clinical research study being coordinated by the Chronobiology Team at The Kids Research Institute Australia, who are based in Perth, Western Australia and involving research teams from around the world.

Psychology of Active, Healthy Living

PAHL researchers use their expertise in motivation, behaviour change, resilience, communication, teamwork, confidence, and leadership to develop programs and services that improve people’s physical and mental health.

Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing

The Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Team follows an holistic definition of Aboriginal Health which means that health is not just the physical wellbeing of an individual but includes the social, emotional and cultural wellbeing of the whole community.