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Showing results for "internet "

News & Events

Parents’ top tips for managing their kids’ device use

Have you ever wondered how other parents manage their kids’ device use? As part of a survey for our Cyber Savvy Project, The Kids researchers asked a group of parents for their top tips regarding their child's use of devices.


Web-Based Self-Compassion Training to Improve the Well-Being of Youth With Chronic Medical Conditions: Randomized Controlled Trial

Up to one-third of young people live with chronic physical conditions (eg, diabetes, asthma, and autoimmune disease) that frequently involve recurrent pain, fatigue, activity limitations, stigma, and isolation.


No Health without Mental Health: Taking Action to Heal a World in Distress—With People, Places, and Planet ‘in Mind’

The unprecedented global rise in mental anguish is closely linked with the erosion of our social fabric, economic and political systems, and to our natural environments. We are facing multiple new large-scale threats to health, safety, and security, with a growing lack of trust in others and in authorities.


Re-engaging an inactive cohort of young adults: Evaluating recruitment for the Kidskin Young Adult Myopia Study

We evaluate our ability to recruit participants for the Kidskin Young Adult Myopia Study, a follow-up of the Kidskin Study

News & Events

Friendly Schools goes from strength to strength

What began as a small formative research project 20 years ago has grown into a universal bullying prevention and social skills development program which has helped countless Australian children and their families.


Changes in thymic regulatory T-cell maturation from birth to puberty: Differences in atopic children

We report vaccine efficacy against CIN3+ and adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) in the end-of-study analysis of PATRICIA (PApilloma TRIal against Cancer In young...

Happy Parenting Program

The Happy Parenting Program is investigating new ways to provide support to parents with young children from an early age.


Efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of the human papillomavirus 16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccine in women older than 25 years

We report data from the interim analysis of the ongoing VIVIANE study, the aim of which is to assess the efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of the HPV...


Planetary Health: We Need to Talk about Narcissism

Concepts of planetary health attempt to collectively address the biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors contributing to “Anthropocene Syndrome”, which encompasses the many wicked interrelated challenges of our time. It is increasingly evident that the wide array of causative factors is underpinned by attitudes, values, and worldviews.


Understanding Engagement in Digital Mental Health and Well-being Programs for Women in the Perinatal Period: Systematic Review Without Meta-analysis

Pregnancy and the postnatal period can be a time of increased psychological distress, which can be detrimental to both the mother and the developing child. Digital interventions are cost-effective and accessible tools to support positive mental health in women during the perinatal period.