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Association between preschooler movement behaviours, family dog ownership, dog play and dog walking: Findings from the PLAYCE study

Physical inactivity in childhood is a major public health issue. Dog ownership has been widely reported to lead to greater physical activity in adults and school-aged children. We examined if dog ownership and dog-facilitated physical activity were associated with higher physical activity in preschoolers. Secondary analysis of the 'Play Spaces & Environments for Children's Physical Activity' (PLAYCE, 2015-2018) study involving 1366, 2-5-year-olds from 122 long day-care centres in Perth, Australia was conducted.


Barriers and motivators for preschoolers playing and walking with their dog: Results from qualitative research

A large proportion of preschoolers do not meet the recommended three hours of daily physical activity. A potential source of daily physical activity could be that provided via the family dog. This qualitative study aimed to explore the barriers and motivators to preschoolers playing with their dog and participating in family dog walks.


“It just Sends the Message that you’re Nothing but your body” a Qualitative Exploration of Adolescent Girls’ Perceptions of Sexualized Images on Social Media

This qualitative study used in-depth interviews to explore adolescent girls’ perceptions of sexualized images they typically find when using social media. Twenty-four participants aged 14–17 years described sexualized images of females as normalized on social media. The interplay between gendered and social norms that endorsed and rewarded girls for posting sexualized images was seen to influence an expectation for girls to conform with their peers and post such images of themselves.


Living liveable? RESIDE's evaluation of the “Liveable Neighborhoods” planning policy on the health supportive behaviors and wellbeing of residents in Perth

New suburban communities built in accordance with the “Liveable Neighbourhoods” policy have the potential to encourage health supportive behaviors


The influence of the early childhood education and care environment on young children’s physical activity

The PLAYCE Study instruments provide reliable measures of early childhood education and care physical activity environments


PLAYCE 2 School: Moving well for optimal child health and development

Hayley Liz Gina Pulan Christian Wenden Trapp Bai BSc (1st Class Hons), PhD W.Aust. BHlthSc MPH BHSc(Hons1A), RPHNutr, PhD BSc, MPH Program Head,

Play Active Program

Physical activity is critical during the early years of life for a child’s health and development.

News & Events

Premier’s Science Awards finalists recognised for work in physical activity, cancer and mental health

Four The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers from a diverse range of fields have been named as finalists for the prestigious 2022 Premier’s Science Awards.


Barriers and enablers to promoting grandchildren’s physical activity and reducing screen time: a qualitative study with Australian grandparents

With an increasing number of grandparents providing care to their grandchildren, calls have been made for these caregivers to be considered important stakeholders in encouraging children's engagement in health-promoting behaviors, such as physical activity.


Sexualized Images on Social Media and Adolescent Girls’ Mental Health: Qualitative Insights from Parents, School Support Service Staff and Youth Mental Health Service Providers

This research explored adults' perceptions of how sexualized images typically found on social media might influence adolescent girls' mental health, what support girls might need should they experience mental health difficulties, and how such difficulties could be prevented or reduced.